Top 10 Things to Do With a Dollar
At times, many of us feel like we may not have enough money to go out and do something fun to entertain ourselves.
However, most people have a dollar lying around somewhere, whether it be between the couch cushions or on the floor of your car.
Here are some fun, entertaining things you can do with a dollar:
However, most people have a dollar lying around somewhere, whether it be between the couch cushions or on the floor of your car.
Here are some fun, entertaining things you can do with a dollar:
- Have a movie night! Go to your local RedBox or Blockbuster Express (usually at the front of your local grocery store) and rent a movie for a dollar.
The rental is usually good until the next night and for only a dollar, you can't beat it! Pick up some movie treats and pop some popcorn and you'll have the perfect movie night at home! - Take a trip to the dollar store and go wild! This is a fun activity for kids because you can give them each a dollar or two and tell them to get whatever they want! They'll feel grown up and have a blast shopping with their very own money!
- Go to your local McDonalds and enjoy something delicious off of the dollar menu - a hamburger, soft serve sundae, fries or drink! You'll feel like you indulged your inner sweet tooth and you only spent a buck!
- Trade your dollar in for 100 pennies and go to a fountain with your friends/significant other/kids and make 100 wishes! While it seems a little corny, you'll get to enjoy some time spent outside and fun while doing it! Plus, out of 100 wishes one is bound to come true!
- Take a walk downtown and when the homeless mother with her child asks you for spare change hand her a dollar and feel like you've accomplished something special today.
- Buy a lottery ticket! If you win, it will be the best dollar you've ever spent! If you lose, you're out a buck - big deal! Cross your fingers and go for it!
- Buy a loaf of day-old bakery bread from your local grocery store and take a walk to the park or lake to feed the ducks or birds.
Sometimes it's the little things that make the best memories! - Buy a glass lemonade from the neighborhood kids' lemonade stand and let them keep the change.
It will make their day! - Go to a used bookstore and buy a book you've been wanting to read.
Used book stores are the perfect place to spend an afternoon thumbing through books...
old and new. - Go to your local pet store and buy a few goldfish.
Put them in water in a vase you have at home and voila...
you have a new pet!