Easy Way of Stopping Ford Truck Engine Valve Tap
Stopping your Ford Truck Engine Valve Tap.
When your Ford truck engine has a few miles and few years on it, a tapping sound will appear. Its a valve tap.
Valves: valve tap and the 3 methods to end the tap.
Your motor has several types of valves.
The ones causing the tap are those that let the fuel into the piston combustion area, or its companion exhaust-valve, which opens after combustion, to allow your motors pistons to push the spent fuel out into the exhaust system, afterward.
There are 2 to 4 fuel-intake and exhaust-valves per cylinder. A V-6 motor will have 12 to 24 valves going up and down by a cam operated lobe to let fuel, in and exhaust out, in a timely fashion.
Valves stems, the valves shank part of a valve, which holds the silver dollars size valve head, that acts as a door, to let fuel in and exhaust out; that stem rides on a self-adjusting device called the valve lifter.
Tapping occurs from 1 of 3 conditions developing in your motor
Any, or all of those conditions will bind and slow the closing speed of your motor valves causing the cam lobe to smack it – making the tap tap tap sound. Or....
Your motor's valves-lifter – there is one for each valve, will sludge-up. This causes the lifters valve-adjuster to collapse or drop into its bore slot, creating a space and the tap.
About lifter tap
When the lifters valve adjusting mechanism has its needed oil blocked, due to sludge in your motors oiling passageways, the moveable adjuster part settles in its bore. A space then develops between it and the valve stem, it usually rides against. The space from that negative makes the tap tap tap sound on each revolution.
The 3 ways to end valve tap
The Mega Power Valve Treatment
Mega Power found 6 ingredients to address and end all 3 of your Ford truck valve and valve lifter tap problems. The ingredients also reduces friction, then coats every part with a protective slippery coating, that also keeps your motor clean.
These ingredients – called, the "treatment", end the tap – often in a few miles of driving, and returns near like-new power and dependability again to you motor. It is a permanent treatment that avoids the costly engine overhaul, dismantling method. The better, but more costly method. Cost: under $100.
What you should know: About dangerous products
Stay away from any cleaning product. additive or method using, or containing solvents as the cleaning ingredient.
If doing the cleaning yourself, You will find using Mega Power; their method is simple – though the cleaning and freeing activity to end the tap, inside your motor, is complex, is the best way to take care of all your engines
Just add the product following the simple directions below. Their method and its simple install will end all 3 causes of your Ford truck valve tap.
Mega Powers success is due to several anti-wear, friction-reducing, detergent cleaning ingredients, and metal conditioners MC+, found to contain the required penetrating action to go where oil can't to permanently end the valve tap problem.
This simple 2 step, inexpensive product ends the engine valve tap and taping in minutes. Just add the product and in a few miles of driving, it quiets the tap for good! This advantage avoids expensive repair.
About: The causes of your Ford Truck Valve Tap
When your Ford truck engine starts tapping, it definitely causes a bit of worry and anxiety.
Being the owner of over 20 Ford trucks, cars, and vans, it always puzzled me why the valves tap – even with the best of care. And, I'm a mechanic!
As a Ford Dealership mechanic, its not uncommon to get a repair work order to investigate and report on why a truck's engine has a tap. This occurs near, but usually after the warranty period has past.
The procedure is to check the customers engine oil, check the oil-change sticker to see how long since the last oil change, and the brand of oil the lube guy or customer requested. If all seems OK, we listen for the way the motor is idling.
If a rough idle, we check tune up parts for a problem. A compression test of the valves sealing ability may also be done - to see if carbon or a burnt or damage valve is the cause of the problem.
If OK, you short each cylinders spark plug wire out by grounding a ice pick probe into the spark plug wire. This directs the spark voltage to the engine metal – thru the grounding ice pick, instead of letting it travel on to the spark plug, where it jumps its electrode and creates a spark. If a cylinder has a fault, that cylinder will produce less power than each other cylinder.
By repeating the process on each cylinder, a trained ear can detect a cylinder not pulling its power. Further investigation is needed.
After you do a number of engine checks, you pretty much know what the problem is, and is not!
Ford truck engine valve tapping is the fault of piston blow-by.
Blowby, is the term describing your motors extremely hot combustion gases escaping past the piston during combustion. Piston blowby mixes with your motors oil.
Blowby is a condition all engines have, not just Ford engines.
Blowby contains acids. Acid in your oil sours the oil and coagulates it.
Sludge's is what your good motor oil turns into. Sludge is sticky and highly acidic. The acidic parts eats and etches away the smooth shinny surfaces of your Ford truck motors pistons, bearings, cams, valve stems, and gears. That increases friction drag and steals power away from propeling youfaster down the road.
Friction drag will put a drag on your valve stems and the valve lifter – slowing their closing speed, creating a space where there should not be one, and making for the tap.
Friction: Part of your problem Mega Power also reduces power
As your motor – and transmission parts rub, more friction and wear occurs. And about 5 to 15% of your motors given horsepower made at any given time is spent overcoming friction drag – as it passes to the wheels.
Mega Power Friction Modifiers MC+ smooth and heal etches surfaces, and with its protective coating, release that 5% to 15% percent power now absorbed by friction – if added to both the engine and transmission.
Some engine and transmission re-builders, car makers, and lots of in-the-know-about-Mega Power users – I'm one of those, install Mega Power wherever fuel, oil, transmission fluids, gear oils, coolants, and A/C oil goes – to reduce friction and heal acid damages surfaces. It feels like you have a bigger motor when Mega Power is in those areas – for the added power suddenly again available.
Mega Power is added to new and rebuilt engines and transmissions by those in the know, to end this form of extremely rapid wear, and power loss.
How Blowby-made sludge affects your Ford Truck Engine
Sludge particles are picked up along with good oil during lubrication and sent along the your motors various oil passageways by your motors oil pump. Sludge settles in corners, and pockets, and on every piston ring, bearing, valve, inside the valve lifter, and gears.
Mega Power removes that sludge ending that cause of your problem.
On your engine valve stems, heat cooks the sludge so its acts like roof tar. That tar-like, sticky goo hinders the snappy valve-closing speed – creating a lag and a space. This space causes the tap.
Mega Power removes that goo – freeing the valve to snap close again – ending that cause of valve tap.
And inside the valves lifters – a problem develops where the oil pumps oil, under pressure is blocked by sludge from pushing the valve lifter's little piston up to contact the bottom of your engine valve stems.
Mega Power will crawl in there and clean up that problem, too!
A check valve inside the lifter will often stick-open due to sludge deposits. When stuck open, the lifter-piston will then settle into the bore, leaving a space between it and the bottom of the valve stem.
That is the other source of your Ford truck engine valve tap Mega Power will clean up – ending that cause of the tap.
Let the Mechanic fix it
Cost for a mechanic to dismantle your truck motor, to hand clean the valve stems, and replace the valve lifters is over $2,500. And a weeks time in the shop.
Let Mega Power fix it as you drive
The Mega Power Ford Engine Valve Tap Stopping Remedy. Cost: $85.00.
A do-it-yourself remedy.
Add mechanics labor, if your mechanic does the install, is $50.00.
This 2 step Mega Power Ford Engine Valve Tap Treatment ends the tap in less than a day of driving. Sometimes – in minutes! A good invention!
Mega Power has special cleaners, 4 of them, and 2 friction modifiers, called MC+.
Directions to end your Ford Truck Engine Valve tap
The product comes with easy-to-follow directions and phone help if this is new to you.
Those are easiest way to end your Ford Truck Engine Valve tap
Driving as usual does the actual cleaning, and smoothing, to end the tap.
Pretty simple – for a complex job. That is it! Anyone, not just mechanics can install the treatment. Sold online, comes with easy instructions.
More help and product info: http://www.auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.com/valve-lifter-noise.html
When your Ford truck engine has a few miles and few years on it, a tapping sound will appear. Its a valve tap.
Valves: valve tap and the 3 methods to end the tap.
- One is costly -but very good.
- One causes more hidden engine damage - you want to stay away from.
- A new product to use that ends the tap and helps extend your motors great life.
Your motor has several types of valves.
The ones causing the tap are those that let the fuel into the piston combustion area, or its companion exhaust-valve, which opens after combustion, to allow your motors pistons to push the spent fuel out into the exhaust system, afterward.
There are 2 to 4 fuel-intake and exhaust-valves per cylinder. A V-6 motor will have 12 to 24 valves going up and down by a cam operated lobe to let fuel, in and exhaust out, in a timely fashion.
Valves stems, the valves shank part of a valve, which holds the silver dollars size valve head, that acts as a door, to let fuel in and exhaust out; that stem rides on a self-adjusting device called the valve lifter.
Tapping occurs from 1 of 3 conditions developing in your motor
- It starts from blow-by
- Aided by an increase of friction
- And several types of sticky, tar-like residues
Any, or all of those conditions will bind and slow the closing speed of your motor valves causing the cam lobe to smack it – making the tap tap tap sound. Or....
Your motor's valves-lifter – there is one for each valve, will sludge-up. This causes the lifters valve-adjuster to collapse or drop into its bore slot, creating a space and the tap.
About lifter tap
When the lifters valve adjusting mechanism has its needed oil blocked, due to sludge in your motors oiling passageways, the moveable adjuster part settles in its bore. A space then develops between it and the valve stem, it usually rides against. The space from that negative makes the tap tap tap sound on each revolution.
The 3 ways to end valve tap
- A mechanic will dismantle your motor, replace its pistons 18 pistons rings, replace its 12+ hydraulic lifters, clean every other part, and re-assemble your motor – cost: $2500 to $10,000.
- Your quick lube guy, or part store clerk will sell you solvent based engine flush – using the solvent as an additive, to rinse your motor out. This hopefully remove the sludge part of the cause of the tap and not do much more damage to your engine. Not recommended for today's vehicles.
- Use a new product, called, the Mega Power Valve Treatment, to end your Ford truck engine tap.
The Mega Power Valve Treatment
Mega Power found 6 ingredients to address and end all 3 of your Ford truck valve and valve lifter tap problems. The ingredients also reduces friction, then coats every part with a protective slippery coating, that also keeps your motor clean.
These ingredients – called, the "treatment", end the tap – often in a few miles of driving, and returns near like-new power and dependability again to you motor. It is a permanent treatment that avoids the costly engine overhaul, dismantling method. The better, but more costly method. Cost: under $100.
What you should know: About dangerous products
Stay away from any cleaning product. additive or method using, or containing solvents as the cleaning ingredient.
If doing the cleaning yourself, You will find using Mega Power; their method is simple – though the cleaning and freeing activity to end the tap, inside your motor, is complex, is the best way to take care of all your engines
Just add the product following the simple directions below. Their method and its simple install will end all 3 causes of your Ford truck valve tap.
Mega Powers success is due to several anti-wear, friction-reducing, detergent cleaning ingredients, and metal conditioners MC+, found to contain the required penetrating action to go where oil can't to permanently end the valve tap problem.
This simple 2 step, inexpensive product ends the engine valve tap and taping in minutes. Just add the product and in a few miles of driving, it quiets the tap for good! This advantage avoids expensive repair.
About: The causes of your Ford Truck Valve Tap
When your Ford truck engine starts tapping, it definitely causes a bit of worry and anxiety.
Being the owner of over 20 Ford trucks, cars, and vans, it always puzzled me why the valves tap – even with the best of care. And, I'm a mechanic!
As a Ford Dealership mechanic, its not uncommon to get a repair work order to investigate and report on why a truck's engine has a tap. This occurs near, but usually after the warranty period has past.
The procedure is to check the customers engine oil, check the oil-change sticker to see how long since the last oil change, and the brand of oil the lube guy or customer requested. If all seems OK, we listen for the way the motor is idling.
If a rough idle, we check tune up parts for a problem. A compression test of the valves sealing ability may also be done - to see if carbon or a burnt or damage valve is the cause of the problem.
If OK, you short each cylinders spark plug wire out by grounding a ice pick probe into the spark plug wire. This directs the spark voltage to the engine metal – thru the grounding ice pick, instead of letting it travel on to the spark plug, where it jumps its electrode and creates a spark. If a cylinder has a fault, that cylinder will produce less power than each other cylinder.
By repeating the process on each cylinder, a trained ear can detect a cylinder not pulling its power. Further investigation is needed.
After you do a number of engine checks, you pretty much know what the problem is, and is not!
Ford truck engine valve tapping is the fault of piston blow-by.
Blowby, is the term describing your motors extremely hot combustion gases escaping past the piston during combustion. Piston blowby mixes with your motors oil.
Blowby is a condition all engines have, not just Ford engines.
Blowby contains acids. Acid in your oil sours the oil and coagulates it.
Sludge's is what your good motor oil turns into. Sludge is sticky and highly acidic. The acidic parts eats and etches away the smooth shinny surfaces of your Ford truck motors pistons, bearings, cams, valve stems, and gears. That increases friction drag and steals power away from propeling youfaster down the road.
Friction drag will put a drag on your valve stems and the valve lifter – slowing their closing speed, creating a space where there should not be one, and making for the tap.
Friction: Part of your problem Mega Power also reduces power
As your motor – and transmission parts rub, more friction and wear occurs. And about 5 to 15% of your motors given horsepower made at any given time is spent overcoming friction drag – as it passes to the wheels.
Mega Power Friction Modifiers MC+ smooth and heal etches surfaces, and with its protective coating, release that 5% to 15% percent power now absorbed by friction – if added to both the engine and transmission.
Some engine and transmission re-builders, car makers, and lots of in-the-know-about-Mega Power users – I'm one of those, install Mega Power wherever fuel, oil, transmission fluids, gear oils, coolants, and A/C oil goes – to reduce friction and heal acid damages surfaces. It feels like you have a bigger motor when Mega Power is in those areas – for the added power suddenly again available.
Mega Power is added to new and rebuilt engines and transmissions by those in the know, to end this form of extremely rapid wear, and power loss.
How Blowby-made sludge affects your Ford Truck Engine
Sludge particles are picked up along with good oil during lubrication and sent along the your motors various oil passageways by your motors oil pump. Sludge settles in corners, and pockets, and on every piston ring, bearing, valve, inside the valve lifter, and gears.
Mega Power removes that sludge ending that cause of your problem.
On your engine valve stems, heat cooks the sludge so its acts like roof tar. That tar-like, sticky goo hinders the snappy valve-closing speed – creating a lag and a space. This space causes the tap.
Mega Power removes that goo – freeing the valve to snap close again – ending that cause of valve tap.
And inside the valves lifters – a problem develops where the oil pumps oil, under pressure is blocked by sludge from pushing the valve lifter's little piston up to contact the bottom of your engine valve stems.
Mega Power will crawl in there and clean up that problem, too!
A check valve inside the lifter will often stick-open due to sludge deposits. When stuck open, the lifter-piston will then settle into the bore, leaving a space between it and the bottom of the valve stem.
That is the other source of your Ford truck engine valve tap Mega Power will clean up – ending that cause of the tap.
Let the Mechanic fix it
Cost for a mechanic to dismantle your truck motor, to hand clean the valve stems, and replace the valve lifters is over $2,500. And a weeks time in the shop.
Let Mega Power fix it as you drive
The Mega Power Ford Engine Valve Tap Stopping Remedy. Cost: $85.00.
A do-it-yourself remedy.
Add mechanics labor, if your mechanic does the install, is $50.00.
This 2 step Mega Power Ford Engine Valve Tap Treatment ends the tap in less than a day of driving. Sometimes – in minutes! A good invention!
Mega Power has special cleaners, 4 of them, and 2 friction modifiers, called MC+.
Directions to end your Ford Truck Engine Valve tap
The product comes with easy-to-follow directions and phone help if this is new to you.
- The directions: Add the red bottle product with #1 on the cap to your gas or diesel fuel tank.
- Add the black bottle product with #2 on the cap to your motor's oil.
- Add the yellow bottle product with #3 on the cap to any suction intake location. Drive the truck to let the product work, penetrate, and start the freeing and cleaning process.
- A week later, just before an oil change, ad the yellow bottle with #4 on the cap, to the motor's dirty oil for 5 minutes.
- Do an oil and filter change. To the new oil, add the two remaining bottles, marked with a #5 and #6 to the new oil. Driving uses those ingredient to permanently end valve tap.
Those are easiest way to end your Ford Truck Engine Valve tap
Driving as usual does the actual cleaning, and smoothing, to end the tap.
Pretty simple – for a complex job. That is it! Anyone, not just mechanics can install the treatment. Sold online, comes with easy instructions.
More help and product info: http://www.auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.com/valve-lifter-noise.html