Five Important TO DO"s For Your Health
Our society is full of over weight people with early onset diabetes and heart diseases.
Why? The answer is larger because we do not take our own health seriously.
Whether we are healthy and stay that way is largely up to us.
Yes, we can be in control of our health.
Sure there are those inherited factors that can put us at a higher risk of eventually getting some diseases, but they do not have to take first place in the fight for life.
Nearly 80% of people in America have high cholesterol as they age and over 90% develop high blood pressure.
This is directly related to the fact that 60% of people are over weight and 25% of those are classed as obese, meaning they are more than 60 pounds over their ideal body weight.
If you are over weight or obese, you are not in the shape you need to be in if you want to live a long and healthy life.
The good news is you can do something about it.
It is not out of the question for you to get control over your health and weight.
Doctors now know that most people who develop diabetes and heart disease can change their health through proper diet and exercise.
Here are the 5 most important things you need to do to get fit and stay healthy: 1) Exercise regularly and intensely, if you haven't been exercising or need to lose excess weight start slowly and increase the duration and intensity later.
Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
2) Stop smoking, sure it is hard to stop, but with will power and support many do stop this life threatening addiction.
Starting an exercise program can help.
3) Reduce your intake of saturated fats (animal fats), trans fats (partially hydrogenated processed foods), and refined carbohydrates (white flour and sugar) 4) Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds and nuts to strengthen your immune system and give you the high nutrient value that your body requires for optimum functioning 5) Limit the amount of alcohol you consume to 1 or 2 drinks a day.
Physical activities that can help you to exercise continuously for longer periods of time and increase intensity levels as you get more fit are walking, running, cycling, swimming, aerobic exercise and even dancing.
Which exercise is better is not so important, but rather which one you enjoy doing.
If you enjoy an exercise, you'll be more likely to stick with it longer and make it a regular part of your lifestyle.
It has been found that 85% of people stop exercising after the first 6 weeks and return to their old sedentary life.
Staying active is easier when you have someone else to do it with, so involve your spouse, a friend or join a health and fitness club.
Getting started and making those initial behavioral changes in your life seem to be the toughest part.
Once you become regular and consistent in your exercising and eating habits, you'll begin to enjoy the health benefits and rewards of living a fitness lifestyle.
Why? The answer is larger because we do not take our own health seriously.
Whether we are healthy and stay that way is largely up to us.
Yes, we can be in control of our health.
Sure there are those inherited factors that can put us at a higher risk of eventually getting some diseases, but they do not have to take first place in the fight for life.
Nearly 80% of people in America have high cholesterol as they age and over 90% develop high blood pressure.
This is directly related to the fact that 60% of people are over weight and 25% of those are classed as obese, meaning they are more than 60 pounds over their ideal body weight.
If you are over weight or obese, you are not in the shape you need to be in if you want to live a long and healthy life.
The good news is you can do something about it.
It is not out of the question for you to get control over your health and weight.
Doctors now know that most people who develop diabetes and heart disease can change their health through proper diet and exercise.
Here are the 5 most important things you need to do to get fit and stay healthy: 1) Exercise regularly and intensely, if you haven't been exercising or need to lose excess weight start slowly and increase the duration and intensity later.
Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
2) Stop smoking, sure it is hard to stop, but with will power and support many do stop this life threatening addiction.
Starting an exercise program can help.
3) Reduce your intake of saturated fats (animal fats), trans fats (partially hydrogenated processed foods), and refined carbohydrates (white flour and sugar) 4) Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds and nuts to strengthen your immune system and give you the high nutrient value that your body requires for optimum functioning 5) Limit the amount of alcohol you consume to 1 or 2 drinks a day.
Physical activities that can help you to exercise continuously for longer periods of time and increase intensity levels as you get more fit are walking, running, cycling, swimming, aerobic exercise and even dancing.
Which exercise is better is not so important, but rather which one you enjoy doing.
If you enjoy an exercise, you'll be more likely to stick with it longer and make it a regular part of your lifestyle.
It has been found that 85% of people stop exercising after the first 6 weeks and return to their old sedentary life.
Staying active is easier when you have someone else to do it with, so involve your spouse, a friend or join a health and fitness club.
Getting started and making those initial behavioral changes in your life seem to be the toughest part.
Once you become regular and consistent in your exercising and eating habits, you'll begin to enjoy the health benefits and rewards of living a fitness lifestyle.