HP2-B44 Cert24 Exam Dumps
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Top IT industry experts and professionals make sure that the students get thoroughly researched 100% authentic answers. To get a future education in the it field, you may have trouble in preparing for the it certification it exam exam. Cert24 team has carefully designed Q&A questions and answers and professional it exam certified training system to help you. These series of it exam exam questions and learning resources fully enrich your related professional knowledge, then help you easily obtain it exam exam certificate. Thousands of IT Professionals before you have already passed their certification exams using the it it exam practice exam. Once you start using it exam exam questions you simply can not stop! You are guaranteed to pass your it exam test questions with ease and on your first attempt, or your money back!
HP2-B44 cert24 exam dumps
Who are the most valuable customers (MVC) in Small Medium businesses for HP Supplies?
A. food suppliers and caterers
B. oil retailers and HP mono LaserJet users
C. advertising agencies and color printouts
D. logistics companies and mono HP mfp users
Answer: C
Name two sales and marketing programs for HP Supplies.
A. HP Pay For Print program and HP Corporate Supplies program
B. HP Recycle Cash-back program and HP Rent For Print program
C. HP Low Carbon Footprint Program and HP New Customer Explorer program
D. HP SMB Supplies program and HP Commercial Supplies Outsourced Marketing
Answer: A
How many years can HP LTO-3 tapes survive in a vault?
A. 10 years
B. 15 years
C. 30 years
D. 100 years
Answer: C
What are the key advantages of original HP inks?
A. unique HP specially formulated color inks for outstanding fade resistant offset printing
B. unique HP specially formulated color inks to produce a range of durable metallic effects
C. unique HP specially formulated color inks for outstanding image quality and fade resistance
D. unique HP specially formulated color inks for graphic artists specializing in industrial design
Answer: C
HP inks are formulated to deliver great results across a wide range of media. What are the quality performance capabilities of these inks?
A. opaque, solvent and great image quality
B. durable, permanence and great image quality
C. spreadable, translucent and great image quality
D. transparent, effervescent and great image quality
Answer: B
Why are HP tapes an environmentally friendly storage solution?
A. Tape drives are free of ozone emissions unlike disk drives.
B. Tape require a fraction of the energy costs of disk storage.
C. Tape production requires a fraction of the raw materials of disk storage.
D. Tapes are manufactured from eco-friendly natural resources unlike disks.
Answer: C
What is a possible result of users choosing remanufactured or refilled cartridges in an attempt to reduce the cost of printing supplies?
A. an increase in Total Cost of Printing due to the higher cost of better quality paper and finishing time for collated documents
B. an increase in the Total Cost of Printing due to the greater volume of color printing slowing down the network
C. an increase in the Total Cost of Printing due to the reduction in print speed resulting in longer print queues on the network
D. an increase in the Total Cost of Printing due to the cost of reprinting low quality pages and a rise in help desk calls for support
Answer: D
What are some advantages of using original HP LaserJet print cartridges?
A. organic system, biodegradable solution for easy disposal
B. clean system, no printer clearing or additional service required
C. clean system, printer cleaning on replacement only, minimal service required
D. two piece cartridge, low cost of replacement, separate printing system replacement
Answer: B
How do HP LTO-3 Ultrium cartridges offer customers the best value for money?
A. It can provide over twice the capacity during back up compared to an alternative leading brand.
B. It can provide over five times the capacity during back up compared to an alternative leading brand.
C. It can provide over three times the capacity during back up compared to an alternative leading brand.
D. It can provide over one and a half times the capacity during back up compared to an alternative leading brand.
Answer: A
An HP LaserJet cartridge contains 70% of the printer's imaging system. What are its other key winning features?
A. flexibility, consistent high speed, expandability, reversibility and land-fill approved for easy disposal
B. few reprints needed, good second hand value, unrestricted channel availability and a six month warranty
C. reliability, consistent outstanding print quality, productivity, manageability and environmentally responsible
D. two piece compact unit for clean replacement, low cost, reduced weight and designed for smaller printer footprint
Answer: C
Top IT industry experts and professionals make sure that the students get thoroughly researched 100% authentic answers. To get a future education in the it field, you may have trouble in preparing for the it certification it exam exam. Cert24 team has carefully designed Q&A questions and answers and professional it exam certified training system to help you. These series of it exam exam questions and learning resources fully enrich your related professional knowledge, then help you easily obtain it exam exam certificate. Thousands of IT Professionals before you have already passed their certification exams using the it it exam practice exam. Once you start using it exam exam questions you simply can not stop! You are guaranteed to pass your it exam test questions with ease and on your first attempt, or your money back!
HP2-B44 cert24 exam dumps
Who are the most valuable customers (MVC) in Small Medium businesses for HP Supplies?
A. food suppliers and caterers
B. oil retailers and HP mono LaserJet users
C. advertising agencies and color printouts
D. logistics companies and mono HP mfp users
Answer: C
Name two sales and marketing programs for HP Supplies.
A. HP Pay For Print program and HP Corporate Supplies program
B. HP Recycle Cash-back program and HP Rent For Print program
C. HP Low Carbon Footprint Program and HP New Customer Explorer program
D. HP SMB Supplies program and HP Commercial Supplies Outsourced Marketing
Answer: A
How many years can HP LTO-3 tapes survive in a vault?
A. 10 years
B. 15 years
C. 30 years
D. 100 years
Answer: C
What are the key advantages of original HP inks?
A. unique HP specially formulated color inks for outstanding fade resistant offset printing
B. unique HP specially formulated color inks to produce a range of durable metallic effects
C. unique HP specially formulated color inks for outstanding image quality and fade resistance
D. unique HP specially formulated color inks for graphic artists specializing in industrial design
Answer: C
HP inks are formulated to deliver great results across a wide range of media. What are the quality performance capabilities of these inks?
A. opaque, solvent and great image quality
B. durable, permanence and great image quality
C. spreadable, translucent and great image quality
D. transparent, effervescent and great image quality
Answer: B
Why are HP tapes an environmentally friendly storage solution?
A. Tape drives are free of ozone emissions unlike disk drives.
B. Tape require a fraction of the energy costs of disk storage.
C. Tape production requires a fraction of the raw materials of disk storage.
D. Tapes are manufactured from eco-friendly natural resources unlike disks.
Answer: C
What is a possible result of users choosing remanufactured or refilled cartridges in an attempt to reduce the cost of printing supplies?
A. an increase in Total Cost of Printing due to the higher cost of better quality paper and finishing time for collated documents
B. an increase in the Total Cost of Printing due to the greater volume of color printing slowing down the network
C. an increase in the Total Cost of Printing due to the reduction in print speed resulting in longer print queues on the network
D. an increase in the Total Cost of Printing due to the cost of reprinting low quality pages and a rise in help desk calls for support
Answer: D
What are some advantages of using original HP LaserJet print cartridges?
A. organic system, biodegradable solution for easy disposal
B. clean system, no printer clearing or additional service required
C. clean system, printer cleaning on replacement only, minimal service required
D. two piece cartridge, low cost of replacement, separate printing system replacement
Answer: B
How do HP LTO-3 Ultrium cartridges offer customers the best value for money?
A. It can provide over twice the capacity during back up compared to an alternative leading brand.
B. It can provide over five times the capacity during back up compared to an alternative leading brand.
C. It can provide over three times the capacity during back up compared to an alternative leading brand.
D. It can provide over one and a half times the capacity during back up compared to an alternative leading brand.
Answer: A
An HP LaserJet cartridge contains 70% of the printer's imaging system. What are its other key winning features?
A. flexibility, consistent high speed, expandability, reversibility and land-fill approved for easy disposal
B. few reprints needed, good second hand value, unrestricted channel availability and a six month warranty
C. reliability, consistent outstanding print quality, productivity, manageability and environmentally responsible
D. two piece compact unit for clean replacement, low cost, reduced weight and designed for smaller printer footprint
Answer: C