The Reasons Behind Studying to Have a Master's Degree
- Perhaps the most commonly recognized benefit of attaining a master's degree is the potential to earn more money at a job than those with just a bachelor's degree. The 2008 U.S. Census revealed that bachelor's degree holders 25 and over earned an average of $55,656, while those with master's degrees averaged $67,337. Likewise, unemployment rates for those with master's degrees were 2.4 percent in 2008, versus 2.8 percent for those with only a bachelor's. Students deciding whether to pursue a master's degree should weigh the potential for greater earnings against the hefty price tag of graduate school.
- A master's degree provides many students with greater career opportunity. Whether it be gaining a higher position in their current company or entering a field that requires a master's, such as social work or teaching in higher education, a graduate degree may be a necessity. Additionally, you may find that graduate school provides networking advantages that introduce you to greater career opportunities. Employers may pay for your graduate school education to allow you to advance to a higher position.
- Having a master's degree in a subject will qualify you to teach at the community college or even university level. This may benefit those who love teaching and want to work at the secondary level. Teaching may also be a positive opportunity for those who can't find a job in their field right away.
- Those who are passionate about a subject will appreciate the immersion that graduate school provides. With closer relationships to professors, more in-depth assignments and a more specifically tailored program, students can follow their passion in graduate school. Additionally, because graduate programs tend to be more specialized than undergraduate programs, students may have the opportunity to develop greater expertise in a given field. Finally, being with those who share similar passions and perspectives allows graduate students to work in a fully collaborative environment.
Greater Potential Earnings
Greater Career Opportunity
Ability to Teach
Pursuit of Passion