When Frustration Strikes in Your Network Marketing Business
Network Marketing is a journey of trials and inner growth.
Often times when people hear about the success stories in this industry they don't realize that those top income earners also had the same frustrations as everyone else.
The only difference is these top income earners used those frustrations as motivation to achieve even greater dreams.
Let me give you an example from my own experience.
I had approached a professor of mine about the product that my network marketing company produced.
I gave him the product for free along with brochures and DVD's to learn about the product.
He reported back to me a few weeks later that he loved the product and we started talking about the business side.
He seemed interested but never took action.
I gave him all the information of how to sign up in my business and offered my help for any questions he had.
I never pushed him after this and figured he would come around when he was ready.
I later learned that he had signed up under someone else in the business because he was friends with them.
I was so frustrated and defeated.
I also realized that I had two choices.
I could either wallow in my frustration or I could pick myself up and use this as motivation to achieve even greater dreams.
Using that situation as motivation was the best decision I ever made.
I also learned that this world is not a limited world.
There are billions of people in this world.
Some will join your business and some will join someone else's business.
That's just the way it is.
To build a million dollar business, of course you will have some frustrations along the way.
It is how you react to these frustrations that will determine your level of success.
It has made all the difference in my life.
Often times when people hear about the success stories in this industry they don't realize that those top income earners also had the same frustrations as everyone else.
The only difference is these top income earners used those frustrations as motivation to achieve even greater dreams.
Let me give you an example from my own experience.
I had approached a professor of mine about the product that my network marketing company produced.
I gave him the product for free along with brochures and DVD's to learn about the product.
He reported back to me a few weeks later that he loved the product and we started talking about the business side.
He seemed interested but never took action.
I gave him all the information of how to sign up in my business and offered my help for any questions he had.
I never pushed him after this and figured he would come around when he was ready.
I later learned that he had signed up under someone else in the business because he was friends with them.
I was so frustrated and defeated.
I also realized that I had two choices.
I could either wallow in my frustration or I could pick myself up and use this as motivation to achieve even greater dreams.
Using that situation as motivation was the best decision I ever made.
I also learned that this world is not a limited world.
There are billions of people in this world.
Some will join your business and some will join someone else's business.
That's just the way it is.
To build a million dollar business, of course you will have some frustrations along the way.
It is how you react to these frustrations that will determine your level of success.
It has made all the difference in my life.