Treating Sagging Skin With Facelift Surgery
Sagging, drooping, or loose facial skin is one of the aspects of facial aging that increase as we get older due to collagen deterioration, gravity, and lifestyle choices like smoking or tanning.
If you have saggy skin over your whole face and want a dramatic solution, a facelift is the answer for you.
It can give you a more rejuvenated appearance than nonsurgical options can ever give.
A facelift consists of the surgical removal excess skin and facial tissue, resulting in a tighter, more youthful appearance.
It can correct jowls, drooping cheeks, deep creases between the nose and mouth, marionette lines, lower eyelid creases, and double chins that are caused by loose skin and extra accumulated fat.
You can also combine a facelift with other procedures in order to achieve your goals, such as a eyelid surgery or Botox.
A good candidate for a facelift can be any age, though the majority of patients are between 40 and 70 years old.
You should be in overall good health, be a non-smoker, and be close to your ideal weight.
The weight factor is important because if you gain or lose large amounts of weight after the surgery, it can affect your results in unpredictable ways.
The surgery itself will involve an incision behind the hairline and/or behind the ear, in the contours of your face.
This is so the incisions are hidden once they heal.
Once the incision is complete, the surgeon will lift the excess facial tissue, pull it up to reposition the skin, and remove the excess tissues.
Once the incision is closed, you will be taken to recovery.
You will have pressure bandages in place, and possibly drains to help remove excess fluid from the surgical site.
A facelift is a surgical procedure, so you need to plan for a four to six week recovery period before returning to strenuous activity.
Your surgeon will give you your post-operative instructions before hand, so you can have all necessary materials and help in place before the surgery.
A few post-operative things you will need to be aware of is wearing button-down shirts so you won't have to pull anything over your face, keeping icepacks nearby, and sleeping elevated on a few pillows to help with fluid drainage.
If you are considering a facelift to combat facial aging, or if you have any questions, contact a board certified plastic surgeon for a consultation.
If you have saggy skin over your whole face and want a dramatic solution, a facelift is the answer for you.
It can give you a more rejuvenated appearance than nonsurgical options can ever give.
A facelift consists of the surgical removal excess skin and facial tissue, resulting in a tighter, more youthful appearance.
It can correct jowls, drooping cheeks, deep creases between the nose and mouth, marionette lines, lower eyelid creases, and double chins that are caused by loose skin and extra accumulated fat.
You can also combine a facelift with other procedures in order to achieve your goals, such as a eyelid surgery or Botox.
A good candidate for a facelift can be any age, though the majority of patients are between 40 and 70 years old.
You should be in overall good health, be a non-smoker, and be close to your ideal weight.
The weight factor is important because if you gain or lose large amounts of weight after the surgery, it can affect your results in unpredictable ways.
The surgery itself will involve an incision behind the hairline and/or behind the ear, in the contours of your face.
This is so the incisions are hidden once they heal.
Once the incision is complete, the surgeon will lift the excess facial tissue, pull it up to reposition the skin, and remove the excess tissues.
Once the incision is closed, you will be taken to recovery.
You will have pressure bandages in place, and possibly drains to help remove excess fluid from the surgical site.
A facelift is a surgical procedure, so you need to plan for a four to six week recovery period before returning to strenuous activity.
Your surgeon will give you your post-operative instructions before hand, so you can have all necessary materials and help in place before the surgery.
A few post-operative things you will need to be aware of is wearing button-down shirts so you won't have to pull anything over your face, keeping icepacks nearby, and sleeping elevated on a few pillows to help with fluid drainage.
If you are considering a facelift to combat facial aging, or if you have any questions, contact a board certified plastic surgeon for a consultation.