A Short Look Into The Negative Result Of Obesity
For the person who is overweight, there are very many serious threats to health and quality of life. The health costs of excessive weight in 2010 for the US is huge and is well over 100 billion dollars per year. Needless to say much less is spent for weight loss products, but it is still in the billions annually. The US is slowly putting on more weight with each passing year, or so it seems. What is likewise perfectly known are the many processed foods and beverages a lot of people consume. There is undoubtedly no secret that a great number of foods contain high sugar and fat content. We will talk about a few of the negative consequences to health resulting from obesity.
Millions of individuals in the US are afflicted by Type 2 diabetes, additionally, the prime reason for it points to obesity. In the past, type 2 diabetes mostly developed in adults, but that has changed given that more teens are medically obese. Obesity is known to cause insulin resistance which is substantial and a precursor to higher levels of blood glucose. A person who is already significantly overweight or severely obese is at an increased risk with a sugar rich diet. One very unhealthy ingredient used in so many soft drinks is high fructose corn syrup. This substance is much like extremely strong sugar and can send blood sugar levels soaring.
Other serious disorders which are often seen consist of problems for certain joints in the body. Particularly vulnerable joints include the knees and hips, and the reason behind that is they bear so much weight. Osteoarthritis is often seen in these situations as well due to joint damage. Unfortunately the usual procedure of joint replacing is not always a viable option. People that are not obese can normally have successful joint replacement surgical treatment. But for those who could benefit from it yet are obese, this is simply not always encouraged. At the very least it's rather a risky procedure because the heavy weight on the artificial joint can cause difficulties. The threat here is the large load on the artificial joint could potentially cause it to become unstable.
Problems are extremely common involving the cardiovascular system and especially high blood pressure. As with several of our bodily functions, excess fat puts a severe strain on the body. All of the excess fat that is present is living tissue, and for that reason it requires vital oxygen along with other nutritional needs. It all leads back to the heart certainly because that is what moves the blood. The basic net effect is to create a condition of higher blood pressure. Another common result is a chronically higher heart rate due to the higher workload necessary.
Obesity places the entire body in a high risk state for a wide selection of health conditions. There are additional equally threatening conditions that can easily result from an obese condition.
Millions of individuals in the US are afflicted by Type 2 diabetes, additionally, the prime reason for it points to obesity. In the past, type 2 diabetes mostly developed in adults, but that has changed given that more teens are medically obese. Obesity is known to cause insulin resistance which is substantial and a precursor to higher levels of blood glucose. A person who is already significantly overweight or severely obese is at an increased risk with a sugar rich diet. One very unhealthy ingredient used in so many soft drinks is high fructose corn syrup. This substance is much like extremely strong sugar and can send blood sugar levels soaring.
Other serious disorders which are often seen consist of problems for certain joints in the body. Particularly vulnerable joints include the knees and hips, and the reason behind that is they bear so much weight. Osteoarthritis is often seen in these situations as well due to joint damage. Unfortunately the usual procedure of joint replacing is not always a viable option. People that are not obese can normally have successful joint replacement surgical treatment. But for those who could benefit from it yet are obese, this is simply not always encouraged. At the very least it's rather a risky procedure because the heavy weight on the artificial joint can cause difficulties. The threat here is the large load on the artificial joint could potentially cause it to become unstable.
Problems are extremely common involving the cardiovascular system and especially high blood pressure. As with several of our bodily functions, excess fat puts a severe strain on the body. All of the excess fat that is present is living tissue, and for that reason it requires vital oxygen along with other nutritional needs. It all leads back to the heart certainly because that is what moves the blood. The basic net effect is to create a condition of higher blood pressure. Another common result is a chronically higher heart rate due to the higher workload necessary.
Obesity places the entire body in a high risk state for a wide selection of health conditions. There are additional equally threatening conditions that can easily result from an obese condition.