Quick and Easy Past Life Memories (When You Need to Remember Your Past Lives Fast!)
Let's talk about some quick, easy, efficient and EXCITING ways to remember your past lives, without a whole bunch of deep new age mumbo jumbo.
Why? Remembering your past lives can be one of the most liberating, exciting and transformational experiences you can have, BUT...
far too many intellectuals, experts and "gurus" want you to believe you've got to go through a whole bunch of new age nonsense to have the experience.
You don't.
And I'm going to give you a few simple techniques that work like magic...
immediately below.
1 - Self Guided Regression You can spend $3-400 an hour speaking to a past life regression therapist, or you can do it yourself, in most cases...
with pretty much the same results.
(unless you are going to a top notch past life therapist, who are hard to find and rarely available to the general public) A self guided regression can be done with a pair of headphones, an inexpensive audio "guide" (usually a professional hypnotist reading a script you can buy online for 20 bucks) and quite simply, it gently leads you back in time to various points in your life until you are SO young...
that the previous points preceded your current lifetime.
These are safe, inexpensive and easy to do...
and to be honest with you, when I'm done writing this article, like I do every night...
I'm going to explore my own! Again, this is just like listening to a guided meditation, only the facilitator (the person reading the regression script) is gently going to regress you back through your life, and allow YOU to build a bridge to the past...
if you so choose.
2 - Past Life Dream Techniques Some of the most common past life memories occur during those strange "twilight" moments between wakefulness and sleep.
(often called the hypnagogic state) As a matter of fact...
MANY paranormal, spiritual and transcendent life experiences happen in this state, including visitation experiences from the deceased, astral projection and lots more.
The good news? If you put a pen and paper next to your bed and concentrate, visualize and verbalize your desire to re-connect to your personal spiritual (or karmic) journey BEFORE bed, you can often have very lucid, very rich memories that reveal MUCH of your purpose, path and unique spiritual journey to get to the place you are in this life, right now.
Of course there are lots of other ways as well.
Past life psychic readings, tarot card experiences and even many astrologers now do readings for folks who want to go well beyond the current incarnation and way back into previous lifetimes as well.
This is something you can do from home, on the phone...
and in many cases, for a fraction of the cost you'd have to pay to have a real life regression done..
which can cost hundreds of dollars and offer uneven and unreliable results.
A past life tarot reading? MAY cost $20-$50 and without the stress associated with hypnosis.
Remember, if you've got persistent problems in THIS life...
your past lives DO matter when seeking solutions.
And not only that, it's a fun, engaging and entertaining way of discovering your own authentic self, and the path you need to follow to fulfill your dreams!
Why? Remembering your past lives can be one of the most liberating, exciting and transformational experiences you can have, BUT...
far too many intellectuals, experts and "gurus" want you to believe you've got to go through a whole bunch of new age nonsense to have the experience.
You don't.
And I'm going to give you a few simple techniques that work like magic...
immediately below.
1 - Self Guided Regression You can spend $3-400 an hour speaking to a past life regression therapist, or you can do it yourself, in most cases...
with pretty much the same results.
(unless you are going to a top notch past life therapist, who are hard to find and rarely available to the general public) A self guided regression can be done with a pair of headphones, an inexpensive audio "guide" (usually a professional hypnotist reading a script you can buy online for 20 bucks) and quite simply, it gently leads you back in time to various points in your life until you are SO young...
that the previous points preceded your current lifetime.
These are safe, inexpensive and easy to do...
and to be honest with you, when I'm done writing this article, like I do every night...
I'm going to explore my own! Again, this is just like listening to a guided meditation, only the facilitator (the person reading the regression script) is gently going to regress you back through your life, and allow YOU to build a bridge to the past...
if you so choose.
2 - Past Life Dream Techniques Some of the most common past life memories occur during those strange "twilight" moments between wakefulness and sleep.
(often called the hypnagogic state) As a matter of fact...
MANY paranormal, spiritual and transcendent life experiences happen in this state, including visitation experiences from the deceased, astral projection and lots more.
The good news? If you put a pen and paper next to your bed and concentrate, visualize and verbalize your desire to re-connect to your personal spiritual (or karmic) journey BEFORE bed, you can often have very lucid, very rich memories that reveal MUCH of your purpose, path and unique spiritual journey to get to the place you are in this life, right now.
Of course there are lots of other ways as well.
Past life psychic readings, tarot card experiences and even many astrologers now do readings for folks who want to go well beyond the current incarnation and way back into previous lifetimes as well.
This is something you can do from home, on the phone...
and in many cases, for a fraction of the cost you'd have to pay to have a real life regression done..
which can cost hundreds of dollars and offer uneven and unreliable results.
A past life tarot reading? MAY cost $20-$50 and without the stress associated with hypnosis.
Remember, if you've got persistent problems in THIS life...
your past lives DO matter when seeking solutions.
And not only that, it's a fun, engaging and entertaining way of discovering your own authentic self, and the path you need to follow to fulfill your dreams!