Horse Racing Training: How?
Horse racing is fun and probably, the most demanding task is the training period.
Training a horse is unique.
The experience is absolutely not the same with playing tennis, basketball, soccer, volleyball and other sports.
This is the stage where you need to obtain a great deal amount of knowledge, time and patience.
In addition to that, you might also need to purchase some tools in order for the training to become effective.
If you are watching horse racing on television, all things are made to look so easy.
What you don't know is: these things you see are simply the end product.
The scenes behind the live show are tougher and it's full of ups and downs.
In fact, there are a number of points to consider before, during and after you race a horse.
That said, just imagine the step-by-step procedures you, as a trainer, need to take to teach a horse.
Yes, the whole routine is very stressful but it's absolutely worth performing.
With that said, allow me to tell you the few essential steps on how to train a horse.
Just a warning folks: Never attempt this activity if you're an amateur, especially when you're alone.
1) First, you must realize your horse needs a vast and green land where he can run free and be able to have fun without something to fear about.
Horses are good animals and believe me when I say they have an innate ability to trust if trained properly.
With consistency, your horse will gain confidence in you.
2) Create a friendly mood with your horse.
You should only ride your horse every three days.
3) Like human athletes, your horse needs some pamper.
Make sure you know how to massage their muscles.
If you don't know how to do it, hire a massager.
This is a safer approach compared to doing these procedures all by yourself.
4) Every time you ride your horse, never push him.
Never force him to run too fast when he can't.
Your horse needs ample of time to learn this technique.
Your role here is to be patient.
Patience is a virtue and you need it to build trust with your horse.
5) Introduce your horse to the track before he gets older than three years.
6) Practice to run your horse at full speed in short periods only.
Remember: Never overdo this activity.
Your horse's force and endurance grows naturally as the practice goes ahead.
7) Another important tip: Never drain your horse.
If you are training him to become the fastest horse and win the race, forget your goals.
This mindset will not work and can only result to problems.
Training a horse is unique.
The experience is absolutely not the same with playing tennis, basketball, soccer, volleyball and other sports.
This is the stage where you need to obtain a great deal amount of knowledge, time and patience.
In addition to that, you might also need to purchase some tools in order for the training to become effective.
If you are watching horse racing on television, all things are made to look so easy.
What you don't know is: these things you see are simply the end product.
The scenes behind the live show are tougher and it's full of ups and downs.
In fact, there are a number of points to consider before, during and after you race a horse.
That said, just imagine the step-by-step procedures you, as a trainer, need to take to teach a horse.
Yes, the whole routine is very stressful but it's absolutely worth performing.
With that said, allow me to tell you the few essential steps on how to train a horse.
Just a warning folks: Never attempt this activity if you're an amateur, especially when you're alone.
1) First, you must realize your horse needs a vast and green land where he can run free and be able to have fun without something to fear about.
Horses are good animals and believe me when I say they have an innate ability to trust if trained properly.
With consistency, your horse will gain confidence in you.
2) Create a friendly mood with your horse.
You should only ride your horse every three days.
3) Like human athletes, your horse needs some pamper.
Make sure you know how to massage their muscles.
If you don't know how to do it, hire a massager.
This is a safer approach compared to doing these procedures all by yourself.
4) Every time you ride your horse, never push him.
Never force him to run too fast when he can't.
Your horse needs ample of time to learn this technique.
Your role here is to be patient.
Patience is a virtue and you need it to build trust with your horse.
5) Introduce your horse to the track before he gets older than three years.
6) Practice to run your horse at full speed in short periods only.
Remember: Never overdo this activity.
Your horse's force and endurance grows naturally as the practice goes ahead.
7) Another important tip: Never drain your horse.
If you are training him to become the fastest horse and win the race, forget your goals.
This mindset will not work and can only result to problems.