How to Fix Xbox 360 Red Rings of Death - Advice
The Xbox 360 is arguably the best gaming console available on the market at the moment.
However, despite its popularity, it is still prone to one very common problem.
The problem I am talking about is of course the dreaded Xbox 360 red ring of death.
The problem itself is caused by the Xbox overheating and usually will cause the console to not work at all, however if the console still works there may be problems whilst playing, like for example crashing in the middle of games, if the console still works sometimes it is still better to get it repaired as there may be a risk of irreversible damage being caused by continuing to use your Xbox.
So where can you go to get this problem fixed? Well, you have a few options: o Firstly, you could go to your local gaming sore and get them to fix it.
However, this will prove expensive, probably in the $100 region, so unless you have money to burn, it's probably not the best option.
o Secondly, you could send your console away to Microsoft.
The good thing about this option is if your Xbox is still under its one year warranty, they will repair it for free, however if it is not you are again looking at a charge of around $100 or more, also another downside of this option is the amount of time you will be waiting for your Xbox returning, which in some cases can sometimes be as long as 2 month which I'm sure you will agree is a long time with no Xbox.
o This is the final option and in my opinion by far the best of the three, fix it yourself, now don't worry this is not as difficult as it sounds, in fact it is a very simple procedure and all the information you need is available on the internet in the form of easy to follow video tutorials, most of which can have you up and running with in an hour.
However, despite its popularity, it is still prone to one very common problem.
The problem I am talking about is of course the dreaded Xbox 360 red ring of death.
The problem itself is caused by the Xbox overheating and usually will cause the console to not work at all, however if the console still works there may be problems whilst playing, like for example crashing in the middle of games, if the console still works sometimes it is still better to get it repaired as there may be a risk of irreversible damage being caused by continuing to use your Xbox.
So where can you go to get this problem fixed? Well, you have a few options: o Firstly, you could go to your local gaming sore and get them to fix it.
However, this will prove expensive, probably in the $100 region, so unless you have money to burn, it's probably not the best option.
o Secondly, you could send your console away to Microsoft.
The good thing about this option is if your Xbox is still under its one year warranty, they will repair it for free, however if it is not you are again looking at a charge of around $100 or more, also another downside of this option is the amount of time you will be waiting for your Xbox returning, which in some cases can sometimes be as long as 2 month which I'm sure you will agree is a long time with no Xbox.
o This is the final option and in my opinion by far the best of the three, fix it yourself, now don't worry this is not as difficult as it sounds, in fact it is a very simple procedure and all the information you need is available on the internet in the form of easy to follow video tutorials, most of which can have you up and running with in an hour.