Meniere" s Disease Causes Symptoms Information With Treatment
Meniere's disease is a condition characterized by sudden, sometimes severe attacks of vertigo, which is the sudden and unsteady sensation that you or your surroundings are moving or spinning. A Mnire's episode generally involves severe vertigo (spinning), imbalance, nausea and vomiting. Following a severe attack, most people find that they are exhausted and must sleep for several hours. Some people experience brief "shocks", and others have constant unsteadiness. These are attributed to sudden mechanical deformation of the otolith organs (utricle and saccule), causing a sudden activation of vestibular reflexes. This is a very disabling symptom as it occurs without warning and can result in severe injury. Often destructive treatment (e.g. labyrinthectomy or vestibular nerve section ) is the only way to manage this problem. Mnire's episodes may occur in clusters; that is, several attacks may occur within a short period of time. Between the acute attacks, most people are free of symptoms or note mild imbalance and tinnitus . In most cases, a progressive hearing loss occurs in the affected ear(s). Although an acute attack can be incapacitating, the disease itself is not fatal.
Causes of Meniere's Disease
The common Causes of Meniere's Disease :
The exact cause of Mnire syndrome is unknown. The current theory is that it is the response of the inner ear to injury.
A variety of disease processes can affect the vestibular and cochlear systems.
Part of the labyrinth ruptures, allowing fluid in different compartments to mix
Scar tissue causes a blockage in the labyrinth
Viral infection
Blood vessel problems
Medications, such as antibiotics and chemotheraypy agents
High cholesterol or other fats in the blood
Symptoms of Meniere's Disease
Some of Meniere's Disease :
Buzzing, ringing or roaring sound in the affected ear (tinnitus).
Noises or ringing in one ear (tinnitus) .
Nausea, vomiting.
Sweating (may be profuse).
Uncontrollable eye movements.
Hearing loss in one ear.
Treatment of Meniere's Disease
Anti-vertigo medications, such as meclizine (Antivert), may combat the spinning sensation.
Drugs such as prochlorperazine (Compazine) can control nausea and vomiting.
Anti-anxiety medications, such as alprazolam (Xanax), may help relieve anxiety that can accompany a serious attack.
Avoid foods that are high in salt and high in sugar .
Chocolate restriction.
Avoid medications that seem to bring on or worsen symptoms.
Bed rest during acute attacks of vertigo.
Consider getting exercise therapy to rehabilitate the inner ear.
Consider a hearing aid, if necessary.
Causes of Meniere's Disease
The common Causes of Meniere's Disease :
The exact cause of Mnire syndrome is unknown. The current theory is that it is the response of the inner ear to injury.
A variety of disease processes can affect the vestibular and cochlear systems.
Part of the labyrinth ruptures, allowing fluid in different compartments to mix
Scar tissue causes a blockage in the labyrinth
Viral infection
Blood vessel problems
Medications, such as antibiotics and chemotheraypy agents
High cholesterol or other fats in the blood
Symptoms of Meniere's Disease
Some of Meniere's Disease :
Buzzing, ringing or roaring sound in the affected ear (tinnitus).
Noises or ringing in one ear (tinnitus) .
Nausea, vomiting.
Sweating (may be profuse).
Uncontrollable eye movements.
Hearing loss in one ear.
Treatment of Meniere's Disease
Anti-vertigo medications, such as meclizine (Antivert), may combat the spinning sensation.
Drugs such as prochlorperazine (Compazine) can control nausea and vomiting.
Anti-anxiety medications, such as alprazolam (Xanax), may help relieve anxiety that can accompany a serious attack.
Avoid foods that are high in salt and high in sugar .
Chocolate restriction.
Avoid medications that seem to bring on or worsen symptoms.
Bed rest during acute attacks of vertigo.
Consider getting exercise therapy to rehabilitate the inner ear.
Consider a hearing aid, if necessary.