Magniwork Review - 5 Very Good Reasons To Build Your Own Magnetic Generator
Many of us have often fantasized about being completely energy independent or "getting off the grid" as some might say. And surely in this day and age something that was once a fantasy - like owning your very own power source to power your entire home can now become a reality.
There are 3 really good methods of obtaining free energy and they are through sunlight, wind and magnetic energy - which is the focus of my article today. Wind Turbines and Solar Panels are both excellent methods of obtaining power but they have 3 major drawbacks because they cannot function without sunlight or wind, and they are always exposed to the elements 24/7, and this always shortens its potential life span.
Magnetic powered generators on the other hand offer a lot of convenient possibilities and attributes for example:
1) They are easy to build.
2) Affordable and require little investment.
3) Very Portable.
4) Does not require sun or wind.
5) It cuts your electric bill in half.
They are easy to build: For free energy enthusiasts, there is a wealth of information out there on the internet regarding how to build one of these energy producing machines of different sizes. And there are entire online forums dedicated to teaching like-minded people how to easily build their very own magnetic powered generators, wind turbines, and also solar panels. Generally the instructions are clear and very well laid out.
Affordable and requires little investment: Let's face it, cost is always a big factor when deciding to take on projects of any size and it is no different when considering to build your power generator. Since they come in different sizes you will be able to find something that will fit into your price range. If you are unsure whether you have the skills needed to build one and just want to give it a trial run then you can build the smallest version available for testing purposes.
Very Portable: Magnetic generators are very portable compared to solar panels and wind turbines which must remain outside - being exposed to the elements every single day. In harsh conditions they can be exposed to rain, hail storms, snow, and an ever-changing climate all year-long. Magnetic generators can be kept indoors in a garage and sheltered thus prolonging their lifespan. This is not a problem because they are generally very quiet machines.
It does not require sun or wind: If there is no wind the turbines won't spin, and if there is no sun the solar panels won't be able to collect and store energy at all. So, both of these methods are completely dependent upon the weather which is at times unpredictable. But magnetic generators on the other hand have no such drawbacks and can function by simply utilizing the natural magnetic fields they generate.
It cuts your electric bill in half: This is probably the main reason that most of us even bother with alternative energy - to save money somewhere and to cut costs. When you own one of these devices you can easily cut your electric bill in half and with bigger generators you can eliminate it altogether. For me personally this is what I'm shooting for because it is my dream to be completely energy independent. I do own a medium-sized generator which I built a few months back by following a special guide which I will reveal later on. And as a result I'm currently saving 50% on my power bill each month.
I consider this to be quite an achievement already, but I won't rest until my home is 100% independent.
So take it from me folks, if you are tired of sinking all of your hard earned cash into energy bills leaving nothing for your family, then it is time to make a change with the Magniwork Energy Generator.
There are 3 really good methods of obtaining free energy and they are through sunlight, wind and magnetic energy - which is the focus of my article today. Wind Turbines and Solar Panels are both excellent methods of obtaining power but they have 3 major drawbacks because they cannot function without sunlight or wind, and they are always exposed to the elements 24/7, and this always shortens its potential life span.
Magnetic powered generators on the other hand offer a lot of convenient possibilities and attributes for example:
1) They are easy to build.
2) Affordable and require little investment.
3) Very Portable.
4) Does not require sun or wind.
5) It cuts your electric bill in half.
They are easy to build: For free energy enthusiasts, there is a wealth of information out there on the internet regarding how to build one of these energy producing machines of different sizes. And there are entire online forums dedicated to teaching like-minded people how to easily build their very own magnetic powered generators, wind turbines, and also solar panels. Generally the instructions are clear and very well laid out.
Affordable and requires little investment: Let's face it, cost is always a big factor when deciding to take on projects of any size and it is no different when considering to build your power generator. Since they come in different sizes you will be able to find something that will fit into your price range. If you are unsure whether you have the skills needed to build one and just want to give it a trial run then you can build the smallest version available for testing purposes.
Very Portable: Magnetic generators are very portable compared to solar panels and wind turbines which must remain outside - being exposed to the elements every single day. In harsh conditions they can be exposed to rain, hail storms, snow, and an ever-changing climate all year-long. Magnetic generators can be kept indoors in a garage and sheltered thus prolonging their lifespan. This is not a problem because they are generally very quiet machines.
It does not require sun or wind: If there is no wind the turbines won't spin, and if there is no sun the solar panels won't be able to collect and store energy at all. So, both of these methods are completely dependent upon the weather which is at times unpredictable. But magnetic generators on the other hand have no such drawbacks and can function by simply utilizing the natural magnetic fields they generate.
It cuts your electric bill in half: This is probably the main reason that most of us even bother with alternative energy - to save money somewhere and to cut costs. When you own one of these devices you can easily cut your electric bill in half and with bigger generators you can eliminate it altogether. For me personally this is what I'm shooting for because it is my dream to be completely energy independent. I do own a medium-sized generator which I built a few months back by following a special guide which I will reveal later on. And as a result I'm currently saving 50% on my power bill each month.
I consider this to be quite an achievement already, but I won't rest until my home is 100% independent.
So take it from me folks, if you are tired of sinking all of your hard earned cash into energy bills leaving nothing for your family, then it is time to make a change with the Magniwork Energy Generator.