How to Play Quests of the Round Table
- 1). Place a Squire Rank card in front of each player. Shuffle the Story deck and place it in the center of the table. Shuffle the Adventure deck and deal 12 cards to each player.
- 2). Take your turn by flipping over a card from the Story deck. If you flip over an Event card, simply follow the instructions on the card. If you flip up a Quest or Tournament card, you will need to start a quest or tournament.
- 3). Start a tournament by having all players draw one Adventure card. Players may then play any number of Ally cards, any number of non-duplicate Weapon cards and one Amour card. Add the numbers on all your played cards to the number on your Rank card (5 for a squire). Whichever knight has the highest total receives the number of shields listed on the Tournament card. End the turn by discarding all played Weapon and Amour cards.
- 4). Decide, if you draw a Quest card, whether to sponsor the quest or not. If you do not sponsor it, the option to sponsor the quest passes left. The first player who decides to sponsor the quest proceeds to Step 6. If no player is willing to sponsor the quest, the turn ends.
- 5). Sponsor a quest by reading the number of stages on the quest, and making that many piles of face-down cards from your hand. (e.g. a three-stage quest would have a row of three piles.) Each pile must contain a single Foe card and any number of non-duplicate Weapon cards. Each pile must also have a higher total value than any earlier Foe pile in the same quest (e.g. If your first pile is a Foe of value 10 with a weapon of value 10 for a total of 20, any subsequent Foe piles in that quest must have a total value greater than 20).
- 6). Begin a stage of the Quest by having all non-sponsoring players draw one Adventure card. Each questing player may then play any number of Ally cards, any number of non-duplicate Weapon cards and one Amour card. Add the numbers on all your played cards to the number on your Rank card (5 for a squire) to receive your total value. Flip up the first face-down pile and compare the total values. If your value is lower than that of the Foe pile, you are eliminated from the quest. Otherwise, continue the quest.
- 7). Continue the quest by discarding all played Weapon cards, and then repeating Step 7 for the next stage.
- 8). End a quest when either all players have been eliminated from the quest, or when the final stage is defeated. Each player who defeats the final stage of the quest receives the number of shields listed on the quest. The sponsor of the quest draws one Adventure card for each stage in the quest, as well as one card for each card she played on the Quest. The turn then ends.
- 9). Count your total shields whenever you receive shields. As a squire, you may turn in 5 shields to upgrade your Rank card to a knight. As a knight, you may turn in 7 shields to upgrade your Rank card to a champion knight. As a champion knight, you may turn in 10 shields to win the game.