Fun Restaurants in Sacramento
- The city of Sacramento offers diners a wide array of restaurants.state capitol image by morsted from
When it comes to dining, Sacramento, California, offers a wide array of fine restaurants. If you are particularly looking for a fun place to throw a party, or simply a creative place to take that special one, some choices will meet your interest. Call in advance for further information and to make reservations if applicable. - This restaurant specializes in fondues. Its signature fondue dinners include cheddar cheese fondue, Wisconsin trio and special chocolate fondues for dessert. All fondues come with plates of food to dip into the creamy sauces.
The Melting Pot
814 15th St.
Sacramento, CA 95814
916- 443-2347 - The Delta King is a historic permanently moored riverboat on the Sacramento River. It is home to two restaurants: the Pilothouse, featuring a charming ambiance with remarkable views of the river at sunset, and the Delta Bar and Grill with a more informal setting with indoor or outdoor seats overlooking the river. Don't miss Irish nights hosted every Thursday at the Delta Bar and Grill or book a Suspect's Mystery Dinner in the boat's Sacramento Theatre.
Delta King
1000 Front St.
Old Sacramento, CA 95814
916- 441-4440 - Crab lovers will rejoice in the electric, fun atmosphere at Joe's Crab Shack. Simply getting to choose your type of crab and wearing the bibs is already an entertainment itself. Crab is served in a bucket and you get to select between three varieties: Dungeness crab, snow crab and king crab. You can also order Crab Daddy Feast featuring a bucket with all three varieties. You pick your flavor among seven choices.
Joe's Crab Shack
1210 Front St.
Sacramento, CA 95814
916- 553-4249
The Melting Pot
Delta King's Restaurants
Joe's Crab Shack