SEO - Can You Finish the Marathon?
I've often heard of SEO refereed to as a marathon.
If you are an SEO expert then you know what I am talking about.
It's very common that you will not see any positive results from your efforts for weeks, or months down the road.
This can be very frustrating, especially when you are first starting out.
You don't have to win any marathons, you just have to keep running until you reach the finish line.
There are so many factors that determine the results that you will see when doing SEO for something, that it's usually not possible to predict anything.
The most you can do is try and focus on the important parts and the rest will come in time.
A lot of SEO components are well known.
But be sure that you have the basics covered:
If you are an SEO expert then you know what I am talking about.
It's very common that you will not see any positive results from your efforts for weeks, or months down the road.
This can be very frustrating, especially when you are first starting out.
You don't have to win any marathons, you just have to keep running until you reach the finish line.
There are so many factors that determine the results that you will see when doing SEO for something, that it's usually not possible to predict anything.
The most you can do is try and focus on the important parts and the rest will come in time.
A lot of SEO components are well known.
But be sure that you have the basics covered:
- Good on-site SEO
- Start out your back link building for a new property nice and slow.
Ramp up the volume of your back links as you go - Link velocity - Sort of the same as the item above, but once you start building 10-20 back links a day, you need to stay consistent.
For example, do not great 10 back links a day for a month and then suddenly start creating 100 back links a day.
This doesn't seem natural and the search engines will notice this and most likely penalize your site.
- Most important, have a diverse game plan.
Do not do everything the same, be chaotic.
That's what the natural progressive growth of a site looks like, not 100 new blog comments a day.
Create 5 web 2.
0 back links today, 5 blog comments tomorrow, 5 forum profile back links the next day and release a set of press releases the next.
Keep changing your strategy. If you do all of these things you will come out a winner, with the results that you are looking for.
If you are doing anything abnormal, you will either see no results or it will take a lot longer to see the results.
There are a thousand finer details, but we won't get into that here.
If you focus on the basic, important steps you will achieve the rankings you are looking for.
Sometimes it will take longer for some projects then others, as you have to look at the competition, but the results will come.
Keep running in that race and soon you will come to the finish line.