How Are Morining Glory Flower Seeds Scatterd?
- After the flowers are done blooming, the flowers turn into pods. The pods turn a tan color and contain a black seed, which can become a new plant that will grow the following spring.
- The pods that remain on the vine all winter will eventually open up and drop to the ground. Wind, rain and snow can help open the pods and scatter the seeds to the ground. Seeds can be scattered as far away as 5 feet, depending on wind strength.
- Vines can be removed and placed in a box in fall after all the flowers have died back and produced seed pods. Vines can be rubbed between the hands to loosen seeds. In spring the seeds can be hand scattered wherever you want morning glories to grow.
- Many growers and gardeners will nick the seeds to promote germination, but this is not necessary with morning glory seeds. Germination begins when the soil temperature starts to warm after the last frost.
Nature and Seeds
Hand Sowing