Simple Facts and Truths About Raising Goats
You may be wondering where you are going to find everything you need to know about raising goats.
You can find books on every aspect of goat raising at most book stores and libraries or even the Internet.
There are also forums on the Internet on this very subject.
You'll find many knowledgeable people with information they are willing to share.
You can ask questions and give advice on raising goats.
You will learn all kinds of tips for keeping goats healthy and safe.
To get you going on the right foot, here are few pointers to help you along.
Goats require a couple of acres of pasture land for adequate grazing.
You need to watch what your goat eats, because they are little bit finicky in what they like to eat.
Use and keep the recommended goat grain on hand and plenty of fresh or bailed green hay to supplement their grazing, as may be needed.
Cold weather requires they get even more feed than usual.
They will need plenty of good shelter to keep them warm when it gets cold.
Plenty of water will also need to be made available.
Five gallon of water is not unusual for a goat to drink.
Automatic waterers, buckets or watering troughs work for watering goats and other livestock.
If you can not check on the goats every day, automatic watering devices are good to have.
Make sure it is done in a way it cannot freeze.
Goats do not do well when they get wet.
During bad weather gets your goat in out of the cold.
The bedding should be changed every few days so it is fresh and clean.
This is especially so in rainy or cold seasons.
Goats are always looking for something to get into.
They will explore anything they can get to.
Fencing is a must and it must be goat proof.
Goat fences need to be made pig proof and horse high.
Do not go cheap when making a goat fence.
Keeping your goats safe and secure is the primary objective of a good fence.
If you want to stay in the business of raising goats, do not neglect the advice on fencing.
Good fences save a whole lot of trouble.
You can find books on every aspect of goat raising at most book stores and libraries or even the Internet.
There are also forums on the Internet on this very subject.
You'll find many knowledgeable people with information they are willing to share.
You can ask questions and give advice on raising goats.
You will learn all kinds of tips for keeping goats healthy and safe.
To get you going on the right foot, here are few pointers to help you along.
Goats require a couple of acres of pasture land for adequate grazing.
You need to watch what your goat eats, because they are little bit finicky in what they like to eat.
Use and keep the recommended goat grain on hand and plenty of fresh or bailed green hay to supplement their grazing, as may be needed.
Cold weather requires they get even more feed than usual.
They will need plenty of good shelter to keep them warm when it gets cold.
Plenty of water will also need to be made available.
Five gallon of water is not unusual for a goat to drink.
Automatic waterers, buckets or watering troughs work for watering goats and other livestock.
If you can not check on the goats every day, automatic watering devices are good to have.
Make sure it is done in a way it cannot freeze.
Goats do not do well when they get wet.
During bad weather gets your goat in out of the cold.
The bedding should be changed every few days so it is fresh and clean.
This is especially so in rainy or cold seasons.
Goats are always looking for something to get into.
They will explore anything they can get to.
Fencing is a must and it must be goat proof.
Goat fences need to be made pig proof and horse high.
Do not go cheap when making a goat fence.
Keeping your goats safe and secure is the primary objective of a good fence.
If you want to stay in the business of raising goats, do not neglect the advice on fencing.
Good fences save a whole lot of trouble.