< Continued from page 1
Roman encourges Caroline to let Maggie take her back to the pub. Lexie assures Caroline that no-one is in any danger. Maggie offers to stay with her at the pub while she processes the loss of Grandpa Shawn. Caroline approaches her beloved Shawn and kisses him on the forehead before Maggie leads her away. Lexie finally covers him up and requests the EMT’s to take him to the morgue. Sami sobs in Roman’s arms as the rest of the sad faces watch him being wheeled away.
Chelsea is in Bo’s room questioning what’s wrong and how long he’s been sick. Bo recalls how he and Hope went in for physicals before going to Ireland, but his blood results weren’t too good. He claims his back’s a little sore and blames it on the bed in Ireland, then describes the plane ride as a “bumpy landing.” “I think I just need one of Hope’s famous back rubs,” he jests. Hope promises to give him one every night for the rest of his life once he’s sprung from the hospital. Chelsea deduces that it’s a lot worse than what they are telling her.
Steve and Steph continue to listen outside Kayla’s cubicle. They exchange “I love yous,” before she checks on Kayla. Steph hugs her mom and makes her promise no more adventures.
Marlena approaches a grieving Sami and apologizes for the loss of Grandpa Shawn. EJ vows to find out if Stefano’s behind it. Marlena believes EJ and commends him for breaking away from his father and telling her that John was alive. She encourages Sami to go home to her babies, but Sami insists on waiting until her mom gets checked out.
Lexie approaches “Shelle” and “Phloe” and implores the foursome to get checked out, along with Claire. Victor stops Chloe and demands some answers about Brady’s disappearance. Chloe insists that she’s already told him and the police everything she knows, but Victor accuses her of lying. Philip says he believes her, but Victor thinks his son is being naive. Chloe professes to love Brady and wants him found just as much as Victor does. He is convinced that someone is holding Brady and vows to make someone pay if Brady is hurt. “I didn’t do anything!” exclaims Chloe before she storms off. Kate approaches Victor and surmises that Chloe is after Victor’s money. “That’s your son we’re talking about. Do you have any interest at all in trying to find him?” Victor asks John. “I don’t know him,” claims John, who admits that he’s curious. John deduces that he was married to Victor’s daughter. Victor confirms this and declares that Isabella loved him very much. John questions if he and Victor got along. Victor claims not always, but after Isabella died they put their differences aside. “You were an admirable man,” recalls Victor. “Are you implying I can’t be again?” assumes John. Victor says it’s up to him, then walks off.
In Bo’s cubicle, Lexie informs him that he’s in for a long stay and a lot of tests. Hope questions what’s wrong. “Caroline....they just brought your father’s body in,” reveals Lexie. A stubborn Bo insists he needs to go be with his mom. Lexie and Hope assure him that Caroline’s in good hands. Bo describes his symptoms to Lexie and rehashes how his half-sister Isabella died of pancreatic cancer. Lexie encourages him not to jump to conclusions yet. Bo and Hope vow not to lose each other.
Steve is in his cubicle and asks the nurse if he can “blow this joint.” The nurse informs him that he must stay overnight and make sure there’s no residual damage to his lung. Steve isn’t thrilled with this idea until the nurse reveals that Kayla’s staying overnight as well. He requests to see her, but she encourages him to just be patient.
Max approaches Roman and Abe and states his intentions to head back to the pub and be with Caroline. Roman offers to go with him and hugs Abe before leaving with Max. Abe and Lexie exchange “I love yous” and a brief kiss before he leaves. She then tells John that it’s his turn to be examined. He claims he’s fine, though, and refuses to be probed with needles. Lexie continues to persist. Marlena steps in and implores him to let a doctor decide if he’s fine. “Only if it’s you. You show me yours, and I will show you mine,” he propositions. Marlena agrees and leads him away.
Back in Bo’s room, he tells Chelsea that the doctors don’t know what’s wrong with him, but it’s most likely something serious. Victor enters Bo’s room and offers his condolences regarding Grandpa Shawn. Bo admits he couldn’t have asked for a better father. Victor takes Bo’s hand and offers to do anything he can to help.
Steve later joins Kayla and Steph in her cubicle. Steph informs her mom how she and Steve aren’t going to let her out of bed for the next eight months. Steve jests how they’re going to get lots of carry-out to satisfy those cravings. He then approaches a distressed Steph, who feels terrible about Grandpa Shawn, but is happy to have her parents back home.
“Phloe” and “Shelle” briefly meet up after their respective check-ups before going their separate ways. Kate approaches Philip and asks him if he’s ready to come home. He asks Chloe if she’s going to be okay. Chloe admits she doesn’t know, since she thinks that the recent events haven’t quite hit her yet. Philip invites her to come home with him, but she doesn’t think it’s a good idea. He asks her if she really wants to be alone in a hotel room when everything hits her. She admits she doesn’t and agrees to leave with him, much to Kate’s chagrin.
After Marlena examines John, Sami is eager to hear the story of what went down in Ireland. EJ offers to get the car. Marlena notes that Sami and EJ are getting along pretty well. Sami claims that EJ was really good with the twins and offers to give Marlena and John a ride. John requests to go to the DiMera mansion, insisting that he has every right to live there. Marlena offers to explain it all to a confused Sami later
Lexie checks in on Bo and proceeds to take him down for tests, then to his room. Hope assures Bo that she’s staying put. Victor promises to bring in as many specialists as he has to if the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with him. He vows to not quit on Bo until he’s home and he’s cured.
Roman encourges Caroline to let Maggie take her back to the pub. Lexie assures Caroline that no-one is in any danger. Maggie offers to stay with her at the pub while she processes the loss of Grandpa Shawn. Caroline approaches her beloved Shawn and kisses him on the forehead before Maggie leads her away. Lexie finally covers him up and requests the EMT’s to take him to the morgue. Sami sobs in Roman’s arms as the rest of the sad faces watch him being wheeled away.
Chelsea is in Bo’s room questioning what’s wrong and how long he’s been sick. Bo recalls how he and Hope went in for physicals before going to Ireland, but his blood results weren’t too good. He claims his back’s a little sore and blames it on the bed in Ireland, then describes the plane ride as a “bumpy landing.” “I think I just need one of Hope’s famous back rubs,” he jests. Hope promises to give him one every night for the rest of his life once he’s sprung from the hospital. Chelsea deduces that it’s a lot worse than what they are telling her.
Steve and Steph continue to listen outside Kayla’s cubicle. They exchange “I love yous,” before she checks on Kayla. Steph hugs her mom and makes her promise no more adventures.
Marlena approaches a grieving Sami and apologizes for the loss of Grandpa Shawn. EJ vows to find out if Stefano’s behind it. Marlena believes EJ and commends him for breaking away from his father and telling her that John was alive. She encourages Sami to go home to her babies, but Sami insists on waiting until her mom gets checked out.
Lexie approaches “Shelle” and “Phloe” and implores the foursome to get checked out, along with Claire. Victor stops Chloe and demands some answers about Brady’s disappearance. Chloe insists that she’s already told him and the police everything she knows, but Victor accuses her of lying. Philip says he believes her, but Victor thinks his son is being naive. Chloe professes to love Brady and wants him found just as much as Victor does. He is convinced that someone is holding Brady and vows to make someone pay if Brady is hurt. “I didn’t do anything!” exclaims Chloe before she storms off. Kate approaches Victor and surmises that Chloe is after Victor’s money. “That’s your son we’re talking about. Do you have any interest at all in trying to find him?” Victor asks John. “I don’t know him,” claims John, who admits that he’s curious. John deduces that he was married to Victor’s daughter. Victor confirms this and declares that Isabella loved him very much. John questions if he and Victor got along. Victor claims not always, but after Isabella died they put their differences aside. “You were an admirable man,” recalls Victor. “Are you implying I can’t be again?” assumes John. Victor says it’s up to him, then walks off.
In Bo’s cubicle, Lexie informs him that he’s in for a long stay and a lot of tests. Hope questions what’s wrong. “Caroline....they just brought your father’s body in,” reveals Lexie. A stubborn Bo insists he needs to go be with his mom. Lexie and Hope assure him that Caroline’s in good hands. Bo describes his symptoms to Lexie and rehashes how his half-sister Isabella died of pancreatic cancer. Lexie encourages him not to jump to conclusions yet. Bo and Hope vow not to lose each other.
Steve is in his cubicle and asks the nurse if he can “blow this joint.” The nurse informs him that he must stay overnight and make sure there’s no residual damage to his lung. Steve isn’t thrilled with this idea until the nurse reveals that Kayla’s staying overnight as well. He requests to see her, but she encourages him to just be patient.
Max approaches Roman and Abe and states his intentions to head back to the pub and be with Caroline. Roman offers to go with him and hugs Abe before leaving with Max. Abe and Lexie exchange “I love yous” and a brief kiss before he leaves. She then tells John that it’s his turn to be examined. He claims he’s fine, though, and refuses to be probed with needles. Lexie continues to persist. Marlena steps in and implores him to let a doctor decide if he’s fine. “Only if it’s you. You show me yours, and I will show you mine,” he propositions. Marlena agrees and leads him away.
Back in Bo’s room, he tells Chelsea that the doctors don’t know what’s wrong with him, but it’s most likely something serious. Victor enters Bo’s room and offers his condolences regarding Grandpa Shawn. Bo admits he couldn’t have asked for a better father. Victor takes Bo’s hand and offers to do anything he can to help.
Steve later joins Kayla and Steph in her cubicle. Steph informs her mom how she and Steve aren’t going to let her out of bed for the next eight months. Steve jests how they’re going to get lots of carry-out to satisfy those cravings. He then approaches a distressed Steph, who feels terrible about Grandpa Shawn, but is happy to have her parents back home.
“Phloe” and “Shelle” briefly meet up after their respective check-ups before going their separate ways. Kate approaches Philip and asks him if he’s ready to come home. He asks Chloe if she’s going to be okay. Chloe admits she doesn’t know, since she thinks that the recent events haven’t quite hit her yet. Philip invites her to come home with him, but she doesn’t think it’s a good idea. He asks her if she really wants to be alone in a hotel room when everything hits her. She admits she doesn’t and agrees to leave with him, much to Kate’s chagrin.
After Marlena examines John, Sami is eager to hear the story of what went down in Ireland. EJ offers to get the car. Marlena notes that Sami and EJ are getting along pretty well. Sami claims that EJ was really good with the twins and offers to give Marlena and John a ride. John requests to go to the DiMera mansion, insisting that he has every right to live there. Marlena offers to explain it all to a confused Sami later
Lexie checks in on Bo and proceeds to take him down for tests, then to his room. Hope assures Bo that she’s staying put. Victor promises to bring in as many specialists as he has to if the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with him. He vows to not quit on Bo until he’s home and he’s cured.