Interpersonal Conflict Theory
- Interpersonal conflict arises when two parties perceive their goals as incompatible. Reasons for this perception may be scarce resources, mutually exclusive goals or one or both parties perceiving the other as blocking his progress.
- Interpersonal conflict theory can help people leave the defensive mode, which exacerbates the conflict, and enter a supportive mode. This involves rejecting a "win-lose" view of the conflict, self-expression and nurturing empathy.
- Interpersonal conflict theory doesn't describe conflict as inherently negative. Thoughtful conflict management can help both parties learn, grow, and achieve mutual and individual goals.
- Various ways to deal with interpersonal conflict exist. Interpersonal conflict theory states that different modes work better for certain people and situations. The major ways to deal with conflict are avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise and collaboration.