How to Grow Grass With Fertilizer
- 1). Decide which type of fertilizer spreader is appropriate for your lawn. If you have a small lawn with lots of planting beds and other areas without grass, use a drop spreader, which drops fertilizer directly below the spreader. If you have a larger lawn with only a few beds or obstructions, use a rotary spreader, which disperses fertilizer in a larger area in front and to the sides of the spreader.
- 2). Plan on applying the first round of fertilizer in early May. Applications work best right before a light rainfall.
- 3). Pour the fertilizer into the spreader according to the instructions on the bag. Set the spreader to half the recommended setting, as you will be crisscrossing the yard twice, each direction perpendicular to the other.
- 4). Push the spreader to the end of your lawn. Begin walking across your lawn while squeezing the lever tightly against the handle.
- 5). Walk in passes back and forth across the entire length of the lawn until you cover every square foot. Release the lever.
- 6). Repeat steps 4 and 5, this time walking in passes perpendicular to the first set. This will encourage coverage of the entire lawn.
- 7). Apply subsequent rounds of fertilizer to your lawn in the same manner in early September and late October. If properly implemented, you will have spread approximately 3 lbs. per 1,000 square feet of nitrogen to your lawn over the course of the growing season.
- 8). Water your lawn lightly, especially if no rainfall is in the immediate forecast. Water until the first few inches of soil is moist so the fertilizer can work into the soil.