Cleaning Glass Tobacco Pipes
- To clean a glass tobacco pipe, shake and gently tap the glass pipe against a hard surface to remove any loose debris or tobacco left in the pipe. Then, bend a paper clip flat and use it to scrape the glass pipe bowl. Scrape the bowl completely, and then scrape down the pipe from both ends as far as they can reach with the paper clip. The best way to clean down the pipe is by rotating the paper clip in the pipe to remove tobacco resin on all sides.
- Boil a pot of water and place the glass tobacco pipe into the pot. Use tongs to flip the glass tobacco pipe every few seconds; also, grab the pipe with the tongs and shake it back and forth every minute. Allow the pipe to boil for three to five minutes.
- Allow the pipe to dry for several hours, then use the paper clip again to scrape any remaining resin out of the pipe. Repeat the boiling to remove anymore tobacco resin, but it is usually clean after the second scraping.
Scrape the Pipe Clean
Boil the Pipe
Final Cleaning