How to Flirt With a Woman - Discover a Semi Auto-Pilot Way To Flirt With a Woman With Astounding Suc
I've read a lot of materials on how to flirt with a woman and although I uncovered a number of golden nuggets from them, however, the incredibly successful results I've attained in these past few months can all be credited to this "semi auto-pilot" method which I'm about to share with you!
Now, before I share this method with you, there's a couple of things that need to be prepped first otherwise, you won't be able to get this method to work maximally for you!
So here goes...
1) Ensure you look clean and presentable before approaching the women that you intend to flirt with! This is obvious I know, but fact of the matter is I've seen too many guys messed up their approach simply because they don't bother to dress up in a presentable manner.
2) Keep your confidence level up at all times! If you fulfill the above requirement, then half the work is already done! After that it's a matter applying the method and projecting an air of confidence when you approach the woman.
Alright, here's my semi auto-pilot method on how to flirt with a woman...
Apply a drop or two of pheromones on your hair, chest and throat! Now just head over to places where opportunities to flirt are abound (clubs, bars etc) and start talking with a few women...
Take my word for it...
If you look okay enough on the eyes (hey I'm just average looking okay?) and remain confident, the pheromones WILL cause the following:
a) Noticeably more positive responses from women.
b) More flirtatious behavior.
You won't have to work hard on your flirting technique because the pheromones will make a woman MORE talkative and open with you.
She'll feel more comfortable hanging out with you so all you have to do is occasionally tease and flatter her to get to the next stage!
If you ask me, this is truly a semi-autopilot way on how to flirt with woman and it has been working astoundingly well for me, albeit, not on every single woman I meet - that's too outrageous of course!
Get a small bottle of pheromones perfume and give it a test, I'm sure you'll be quite amazed with the results!
Follow this link if you're interested in using pheromones to make women flirt with you [] almost all the time. Click here:[]
Now, before I share this method with you, there's a couple of things that need to be prepped first otherwise, you won't be able to get this method to work maximally for you!
So here goes...
1) Ensure you look clean and presentable before approaching the women that you intend to flirt with! This is obvious I know, but fact of the matter is I've seen too many guys messed up their approach simply because they don't bother to dress up in a presentable manner.
2) Keep your confidence level up at all times! If you fulfill the above requirement, then half the work is already done! After that it's a matter applying the method and projecting an air of confidence when you approach the woman.
Alright, here's my semi auto-pilot method on how to flirt with a woman...
Apply a drop or two of pheromones on your hair, chest and throat! Now just head over to places where opportunities to flirt are abound (clubs, bars etc) and start talking with a few women...
Take my word for it...
If you look okay enough on the eyes (hey I'm just average looking okay?) and remain confident, the pheromones WILL cause the following:
a) Noticeably more positive responses from women.
b) More flirtatious behavior.
You won't have to work hard on your flirting technique because the pheromones will make a woman MORE talkative and open with you.
She'll feel more comfortable hanging out with you so all you have to do is occasionally tease and flatter her to get to the next stage!
If you ask me, this is truly a semi-autopilot way on how to flirt with woman and it has been working astoundingly well for me, albeit, not on every single woman I meet - that's too outrageous of course!
Get a small bottle of pheromones perfume and give it a test, I'm sure you'll be quite amazed with the results!
Follow this link if you're interested in using pheromones to make women flirt with you [] almost all the time. Click here:[]