The Best Solution to Clean Grease Stains from the Kitchen
- Grease stains in the kitchen usually show up near the stove. When you cook with oil, small spatters can stick to the back of the stove and nearby walls, and on kitchen cabinets. To remove the grease stain, you need to break up the oil first.
- For stains on your stove and cabinets, create a strong solution of 1 tsp. dishwashing liquid to 1 pt. warm water. Dip a sponge into the solution and use it to scrub away the stains. The dishwashing liquid will break up the grease and clean it away. For grease stains on your wall or wallpaper, create a thick paste by adding water to baking soda. Spread the paste over the stain and let it dry. Brush it off with a soft cloth. It will remove the stain as it flakes away.
- You can prevent grease stains by removing grease before it has a chance to build up. Soak a sponge in your dishwater after cooking with oil and run it over your stove and cabinets to remove the grease. You can use just the suds on your walls to cut through grease before it can set into a stain.
Grease Stains