How to Reclaim a Hijacked Steam Account
- 1). Go to the Steam support site and click on "Click Here to Contact Steam Support."
- 2). Click on "Create Account" if you do not already have a Steam support account. Enter your name, a username, your email address and a password. Use a different username and password from your Steam player account. Click on "Submit Registration."
- 3). Click on the link in the email sent to you by Steam support to activate your account.
- 4). Log in to Steam support with your support username and password to be taken to the "New Ticket" page.
- 5). Click on the "Category" pull-down menu and choose "Account Questions." Click on the next pull-down menu and choose "Hijacked or stolen account."
- 6). Enter your Steam account name and a CD key, if applicable, in the provided fields.
- 7). Type a brief description of your account problems in the "Your Question" field. Include the full name of the purchaser.
- 8). For credit card purchases, include the type of card, expiration date and last four digits of the card number.
- 9). For PayPal purchases, include the billing address, payer ID, invoice ID and transaction ID.
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For store-bought games, write your Steam account username below the CD key on the packaging. Scan or take a photo of the CD key and upload it to your computer. Click the "Browse" button on the help ticket and upload your image. - 11
Click on "Submit Question" to file your help ticket with Steam support.