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We Are As a Nation Heading Into Bankruptcy and Financial Disaster - A Medical Disaster Also

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The disaster that took place in our financial markets has become a stepping stone for government to step in under the guise of helping, it has been trying to control salaries for top executives all over the business community.
I agree that salaries and compensation for top level management have gone beyond reason and that there must be caps and restrictions placed where performance is tied to results.
It cannot be sanctioned by today's marketplace, that a company in failure has to pay exorbitant money to its top people for a job badly done.
Performance must be ahead of enumeration and tied to moving the company forward in value.
We cannot keep paying for failure! In today's business climate, people want more than good intention's and a big name from the Right background in business to manage a company, for the sake of all its workers and stockholders.
The day is gone where a company goes bankrupt but all the top brass goes home with an enormous severance package for failure.
The big bucks are for doing a good job with results that warrant payment of large sums.
And most, must be tied to stock options as the major part of payment.
Now we have the government stepping in to take over companies, after bailing them out with our taxpayer money.
These companies still want to use that money for huge salary packages and not to improve the running of the company.
They want to go on the same way they have, which led to the downfall in the first place.
What do we have to do, to make these people realize its over.
Either shape up or ship out.
When will they realize the American people are fed up with incompetent leadership and are demanding action and performance.
Now the government wants to set salaries and compensation levels all across business.
And now we all see the health reforms they want are for the benefit of unions and business that do not want to pay for coverage of employees or union members.
That is the reason behind all this supposed concern for the American people.
The government will take the load from business to cover employees which costs them millions every year and dump it onto the government.
Unions do not want to have to lay out medical coverage for its members so it will all fall onto us as taxpayers to pick it up for them.
Did you really think the President was concerned for people? It was part of a supposedly secret campaign promise to unions to get their backing and money.
Why should business back our President who has claimed to be against capitalism in its present form.
The taxes proposed to pay for this program will be very much higher that stated in proposals.
According to CBC figures and others that include all the separate bills under different names submitted to congress, it puts the price somewhere in the range of One point eight trillion dollars.
That starts with a T.
He also admits that it will still leave about thirty million people who are still not covered.
So: If all this program will do is cover fifteen to twenty million people that, according to his own words, out of the now claimed fifty million without coverage.
What is the cost of just covering the difference between fifty million down to thirty or thirty five five million? It is 1.
8 trillion It is he proposed new medial plan.
I will tell you what I have come to believe.
It was a promise made to big business and labor to relieve them of the growing costs of covering their workers.
Once the President gets his bill passed; every effort will be to go to the public option, and that means the government will be in full control.
He will fight tooth and nail to get it.
All medical procedures will be rationed and strict limits on who receives what.
The elderly will suffer most with cuts to medicare for procedures and tests, which is bankrupt and so is medicaid that is being given to most illegal immigrants and almost anyone that applies.
Medicaid as it is being administered today is dragging down the whole medical system.
People all over this nation are using our hospital emergency rooms as their private doctors offices.
Thousands upon thousands go there for colds and minor complaints because it is free to them.
If we placed co,payments on every visit with money collected up front , we would see a dramatic drop.
Say if we charged $25.
for every visit to the hospital E R then we might curb the unnecessary use.
Their are still plenty of clinics to care for indigent people and families.
The amount will not help the hospitals pay for visits but it would stop people from going there for every little sniffle or headache and minor bump.
What we really need is to cut the waste and paperwork that buries every part of the medical field.
I have one suggestion to help the whole industry.
As President; President Obama could mandate that all parts of the medical community get together and come up with a three page document that would cover all contingencies and treatment with space for information of every kind.
They can attach test results where needed.
Every company would have input on what information is needed but it would all have to fit into one three page double sided form.
If they are unable to arrive at an agreement, then the government would draw one up for them from efficiency experts, and then they would have to live with it.
If everyone wants their own way, then no one will.
If America is to have a chance to come out of the worst economic downturn since the great depression then we must cut back on spending for every department and agency within government.
We have many agencies that go back to the beginning of the 1900s and beyond.
We must weed out and examine every program within every department to see what can be disposed of as unnecessary or duplication.
We must also stop automatic increases for every program.
Budget increases must be justified for every department and program.
It is time for extreme measures in budget reform and cutting spending for every increase proposed.
If America does not send E-Mails and letters to every representative they can , then nothing will change and we will go on and on to a complete implosion in our monetary system.
America will be a second rate power and no other nations will feel safe buying our securities to back our debt, then it will all collapse.
I remember during the Clinton years that Republicans had control over both houses and came up with their contract with America, formed to cut waste and spending in government.
They forced through budget cuts and spending cuts that eventually got us close to a balanced budget.
Of course President Clinton claimed credit for what they did but it was what was needed at that time.
They forced through things that were decried and fought against by President Clinton and yet when he left office we were in fairly good shape financially.
The fact that they wrecked the White House and pardoned so many friends and acquaintances of his from indictments, came as no surprise.
Politicians do things like that and many Presidents have done the same but maybe not to that extent.
Medical care will be rationed and lifesaving measures for the elderly will be cut back and waits for treatment and tests can be stretched out until death ends the wait.
Just look to the countries where they have one payer medical coverage and ask the people living under it for their opinions.
Tied to any new measures must be tort reform.
The awards handed out by juries in the northeast and other large communities across America has to be realistic and measured to what happened.
To award 30 million to a victim or their families might feel good to those in the jury box but it costs us all in the end.
I myself had the occasion to have a lawsuit but it was for an automobile accident.
It was handled fairly and quickly.
The cost of trivial lawsuits for people who want money from business or medical malpractice claims is growing out of control.
The lawyers that will sue anyone and everyone for any perceived injury or insult has to be stopped.
Any birth defect will have a lawyer wanting to sue somebody charging malpractice.
Birth defects have been happening since before the time we had doctors.
Their have to be some standard where we can block frivolous lawsuits by lawyers trying to blackmail doctors into settlements just to get them out of the way.
The doctors then need lawyers of their own, and that's where malpractice insurance companies charge exorbitant fees.
It is all paid for by all of us when we go to any doctor that has to pay the insurance premiums to practice.
I have seen figures from television news shows that purport, the amount of doctors that will leave their practices is growing close to 40% Doctors are getting away from practicing as an individual and more and more are forming group practices with umbrella coverage for all.
Some are even retiring ahead of time just to get out of the rat race.
Things like that happen every day all across America when we have no restrictions at all upon who can sue whom or for what reasons.
Somewhere, somehow we have to come up with caps for certain types of medical malpractice suits and justification for a lawsuit has to be on a " reasonable " basis.
I do not have the answers, but we have a good many great minds out there,across America, and if they can come up with some solutions that make sense, sound reasonable, then upon considered reflection by all parties, they should be adopted.
I seem to have gone afield from where I started but it is an enormously complicated subject.
The economy is in a mess and adopting a medical plan that will cost the country over $900 billion if not close to 2 trillion to cover less than 20 million people out of 50 million not presently covered is fantastic if not very close to criminal.
To use the Presidents own words their are fifty million not presently covered under medical insurance.
! The new proposed plan will leave thirty million still not covered under the new policies.
What are we spending, even with the Presidents own numbers of $900 Billion, to only cover 20 million more than now.
Pardon me for not agreeing with the plan.
If anything I have written makes sense to you then I ask only one thing from each and every one of you.
Write letters, send E-Mails or telegrams to anyone you can in your local, state or federal government.
Let the representatives in your area know how you feel.
Keep abreast of things happening as, I am sure, you can spend at least two hours a week on the web looking up what interests you or effects you and your family.
If we don't then who will.
It is up to all of us to do whatever we can to inform ourselves and vote in every election and demand from our elected officials that they answer for the way they vote on bills that come before them.
We have that right as they are there to represent us.
As I have stated many times before in other forums: All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men (and women) to do nothing.
If we don't then who will? God Bless America!

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