What Is Canada Green Grass Seed?
- Canada Green grass seed is not a pure grass cultivar. That which is sold in the United States is composed of creeping red fescue, annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass.
- Canada Green grass seed is from 48.3 percent to 53.2 percent creeping red fescue seed. According to a USDA fact sheet, this type of grass is best suited to cool climates with adequate rainfall.
- Annual ryegrass seed composes from 23.4 percent to 26.2 percent of the Canada Green grass seed mixture. According to the Iowa State University Extension, annual ryegrass seed is undesirable because it grows quickly and stops perennial grasses from getting a good start.
- While Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass are recommended turfgrass types for lawns, both of these have many cultivars with varying resistance to diseases and insects. Canada Green grass seed bags do not indicate the Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass seed types used.
- State University Extension Services in North Dakota, Utah and Iowa, all cooler weather states, do not recommend the use of Canada Green grass seed.
Red Fescue Component
Annual Ryegrass Component
Unknown Turfgrass Cultivars