Economic Recovery But What About US?
With the economic recovery supposedly in full bloom there is a large group of people who are being left out of the picture and they are the 50 and older crowd.
We along with the baby boomers are the people who made many of the giant corporations what they are today.
We are the people who many years ago corporations illegally let go just before we hit our required number of years worked to qualify for a pensions so they could make a few millions more in profit.
Some of us are middle management with college degrees who tried to figure out how to implement your hair brained ideas that could have never worked and didn't.
Some of us are managers and supervisors without a college degree who learned on the job and educated ourselves in new technologies to better ourselves and make the company better.
Some of us were people let go from our positions not because the economy was bad and our companies business was slow but just due to the fact that the CEO saw the bad economy as a way to get rid of well paid employees and get a big bonus for saving that money.
We are the people who are tired of being lied to by business and the CEO's and want to be treated like people and not like a piece of office furniture.
Don't move half the company's manufacturing jobs to a third world country claiming you have to in order to be competitive in the market place only to leave your prices well above the competition's and watch your profits sour.
We are tired of companies whining about paying for a retirement plan but don't want to pay us enough to plan for ourselves.
If a US based company moves their entire business to a foreign country then the CEO and the entire board of directors should be required to leave there.
If the American workers were good enough to get the business going and to flourish they should still be good enough to keep it going.
Any business that is US based or owned by a US citizen should be required to have at least half of what they do be done in the US.
Otherwise what good is the company doing for the US economy other than paying the salaries of the CEO and the board of directors.
This would eliminate what happened to all the great US toy companies who all claimed they needed to move to China in order to compete, the problem there is who are they competing with since they all moved their plants to China...
but once again there prices haven't come down at all, only their profits have gone up.
We also want to be treated the same as a CEO or upper management when it comes to our ideas.
If a CEO or upper management has an idea that will save the company a million dollars a year and receives a million dollar bonus for the idea because it will save 9 million over the next 10 years then we should get the same bonus if our idea does the same thing.
Corporate people aren't the only people with good ideas and we should be rewarded the same way they do.
I think Some CEO's and higher up management live with this highly exaggerated delusions of grandeur about their own worth and don't really do anything for the betterment of the company but only do what they think will put more money into their own pockets.
Whether it is by cutting employees or moving plants overseas.
In my opinion it should be illegal for any US company to move more than 50% of its business in terms of how many people are working for them overseas.
As far as starting up a new business I think it is great for people to start their own business as long as it is here, it won't do the US economy any good to have another millionaire if all his labor is overseas.
One new millionaire buying consumer goods can never contribute as much to the economy as 20 people making $50,000 a year.
Also in corporate zest for greed and short term profits they ignore the long term problems they create for the country and for this age group which happens to be my age group.
They want get rid of us or to work for much less but constantly want their profits to go up, why don't you work for less.
The problems caused by letting us go and us having to work for much less isn't simple but very complex.
When first let go we are shocked and upset and worry about paying bills.
We collect unemployment and go into our savings in order to pay our bills.
After looking for jobs for a while in our pay range and finding nothing we start looking lower and keep spending our savings to keep up.
When we do get an interview we don't get hired for many reasons but most of which is about money.
If we are going to work for much less we won't get hired because the company is afraid to hire us thinking we will leave the first time a higher paying job comes along.
Other times it will because we are over qualified and the company doesn't want to risk us leaving for what we are qualified for.
Yet others won't be hired because although they may have 15 years of experience and can easily do the job they are applying for they won't get hired because the company can't look past the fact they don't have a college degree.
Some of us will get depressed and stop looking for work altogether maybe go on welfare and how can anyone contribute to the economy that way.
The problem of not getting hired isn't just a short term problem either.
For every month we don't work we are spending our retirement savings, for every job we get that isn't close to our former salary we can't save as much for retirement and don't pay as much in taxes.
How does that affect the economy? It doesn't right now but when we are ready to retire it will because many of us will become incapacitated sometime after we retire and will need to be kept in a nursing home, we can't just be left out on the street.
If I retired with a million dollars today and in 5 years I needed to be moved to a nursing home, with a monthly charge of at least $10,000 making it $120,000 a year that million dollars won't last long and when it is gone the tax payer will be footing the bill.
What do we do to solve the problem? Simple - hire us, and don't insult us in offering half what the job is worth or what our knowledge and experience is worth.
Don't look at our age as if it were bad look at our age as a wealth of information.
So take a chance with us.
I often hear people saying we can't find anyone qualified for the position, so hire one of us with the best qualifications you can and teach us the rest.
That is how many of us got so smart in the first place we learned it at the job!
We along with the baby boomers are the people who made many of the giant corporations what they are today.
We are the people who many years ago corporations illegally let go just before we hit our required number of years worked to qualify for a pensions so they could make a few millions more in profit.
Some of us are middle management with college degrees who tried to figure out how to implement your hair brained ideas that could have never worked and didn't.
Some of us are managers and supervisors without a college degree who learned on the job and educated ourselves in new technologies to better ourselves and make the company better.
Some of us were people let go from our positions not because the economy was bad and our companies business was slow but just due to the fact that the CEO saw the bad economy as a way to get rid of well paid employees and get a big bonus for saving that money.
We are the people who are tired of being lied to by business and the CEO's and want to be treated like people and not like a piece of office furniture.
Don't move half the company's manufacturing jobs to a third world country claiming you have to in order to be competitive in the market place only to leave your prices well above the competition's and watch your profits sour.
We are tired of companies whining about paying for a retirement plan but don't want to pay us enough to plan for ourselves.
If a US based company moves their entire business to a foreign country then the CEO and the entire board of directors should be required to leave there.
If the American workers were good enough to get the business going and to flourish they should still be good enough to keep it going.
Any business that is US based or owned by a US citizen should be required to have at least half of what they do be done in the US.
Otherwise what good is the company doing for the US economy other than paying the salaries of the CEO and the board of directors.
This would eliminate what happened to all the great US toy companies who all claimed they needed to move to China in order to compete, the problem there is who are they competing with since they all moved their plants to China...
but once again there prices haven't come down at all, only their profits have gone up.
We also want to be treated the same as a CEO or upper management when it comes to our ideas.
If a CEO or upper management has an idea that will save the company a million dollars a year and receives a million dollar bonus for the idea because it will save 9 million over the next 10 years then we should get the same bonus if our idea does the same thing.
Corporate people aren't the only people with good ideas and we should be rewarded the same way they do.
I think Some CEO's and higher up management live with this highly exaggerated delusions of grandeur about their own worth and don't really do anything for the betterment of the company but only do what they think will put more money into their own pockets.
Whether it is by cutting employees or moving plants overseas.
In my opinion it should be illegal for any US company to move more than 50% of its business in terms of how many people are working for them overseas.
As far as starting up a new business I think it is great for people to start their own business as long as it is here, it won't do the US economy any good to have another millionaire if all his labor is overseas.
One new millionaire buying consumer goods can never contribute as much to the economy as 20 people making $50,000 a year.
Also in corporate zest for greed and short term profits they ignore the long term problems they create for the country and for this age group which happens to be my age group.
They want get rid of us or to work for much less but constantly want their profits to go up, why don't you work for less.
The problems caused by letting us go and us having to work for much less isn't simple but very complex.
When first let go we are shocked and upset and worry about paying bills.
We collect unemployment and go into our savings in order to pay our bills.
After looking for jobs for a while in our pay range and finding nothing we start looking lower and keep spending our savings to keep up.
When we do get an interview we don't get hired for many reasons but most of which is about money.
If we are going to work for much less we won't get hired because the company is afraid to hire us thinking we will leave the first time a higher paying job comes along.
Other times it will because we are over qualified and the company doesn't want to risk us leaving for what we are qualified for.
Yet others won't be hired because although they may have 15 years of experience and can easily do the job they are applying for they won't get hired because the company can't look past the fact they don't have a college degree.
Some of us will get depressed and stop looking for work altogether maybe go on welfare and how can anyone contribute to the economy that way.
The problem of not getting hired isn't just a short term problem either.
For every month we don't work we are spending our retirement savings, for every job we get that isn't close to our former salary we can't save as much for retirement and don't pay as much in taxes.
How does that affect the economy? It doesn't right now but when we are ready to retire it will because many of us will become incapacitated sometime after we retire and will need to be kept in a nursing home, we can't just be left out on the street.
If I retired with a million dollars today and in 5 years I needed to be moved to a nursing home, with a monthly charge of at least $10,000 making it $120,000 a year that million dollars won't last long and when it is gone the tax payer will be footing the bill.
What do we do to solve the problem? Simple - hire us, and don't insult us in offering half what the job is worth or what our knowledge and experience is worth.
Don't look at our age as if it were bad look at our age as a wealth of information.
So take a chance with us.
I often hear people saying we can't find anyone qualified for the position, so hire one of us with the best qualifications you can and teach us the rest.
That is how many of us got so smart in the first place we learned it at the job!