Trampolines & Tumbling
- Trampolines are devices that are made of elastic fabric elevated above the ground and help someone jumping on them to jump higher than they could normally. Tumbling is a gymnastics move similar to a cartwheel in which you extend backward, placing your hands behind you and bringing your legs over the top to return to starting position.
- Tumbling and trampolines and often associated. In competitions, tumbling is a common move performed on a trampoline. In the United States, competitions involving the two are often sanctioned by the U.S. Trampoline and Tumbling Association (USTA), which has had more than 2,000 participants at nationals.
- While fun both trampolines and tumbling can lead to injury. In the past, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that trampolines not be used at home, in schools or at outdoor playgrounds.