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The (Real) Reasons Why People Don"t Use Condoms

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Updated April 14, 2015.

Condoms work. They remain the cornerstone of safer sex practices and a major contributor to the reduction of HIV infections worldwide. 

So why, then, do only 65% of men use condoms on a consistent basis, according to a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? And how is it that more than 20% of HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM) are willing to put themselves at risk by having unprotected sex?

Women fare no better in these statistics. Of females who engage in high-risk, unprotected anal sex, a mere 11% report ever using a condom. Worse yet, women are far less likely overall to use condoms (including fem-doms) than their heterosexual male counterparts.

The Blame Game

Ignorance, apathy and irresponsibility may be the standard knee-jerk response, but that's a far too simplistic judgment for what is, in fact, an incredibly complex psychosocial issue.

In truth, there are a number of intersecting reasons for the decreased use of condoms among adults and young people. They include everything from how we feel about condoms, what we believe about HIV, how we negotiate sex in relationships, how "vulnerable" we believe ourselves to be to infection, and even how adept we are at actually using condoms.

Dissecting these issues can be a dizzying process, made worse by the cultural tendency to assign blame to those we see as "vectors" (or the sources) of HIV infection. Rather than opening up the conversation, we tend to shut it down—potentiating risk behavior in those who would rather remain silent than face public derision or disapproval.

At Risk Before We Even Start

Knowledge and power are the two factors that can affect genders and at-risk populations considerably, often in very different forms. They not only direct why we make the decisions we do, but they also help explain why we sometimes put ourselves at risk against our otherwise better judgment.

Knowledge is not simply about our understanding of HIV as a disease, but our personal belief as to how susceptible we are to infection as individuals. This is called a perceived risk, a component of the so-called Health Belief Model.

Perceived risk is oftentimes based on misconceptions about who is "most at risk" for infection, either by group or behavior. Those, for instance, who believe that unprotected oral sex between a man and a woman is "only a fraction" as risky as unprotected anal sex between "high risk" MSM will likely forego discussions about condoms altogether. The same applies to misconceptions about age, race, education and income.

Perceived risk can vary considerably from one population to the next. While optimism about HIV sciences (including increased life expectancy and post-exposure prevention) generally correlates to higher condom use among heterosexuals, the same optimism has an inverse effect among many MSM—who believe that the consequences of an infection have now largely been minimized due to the ever-advancing medical sciences.

Conversely, pessimism about treatment or the effectiveness of safer sex generally translates to lower condom use. Oftentimes, these attitudes are fueled by an underlying distrust of public health authorities, specifically within poorer communities, where infection rates are high and a lack of infrastructure hampers an effective community response. These factors can contribute to perceptions by which HIV is seen to be unavoidable—or even inevitable—to those most at risk.

Condom Bias

The same Emory University study revealed that nearly a third of the men surveyed reported that they had lost an erection after having put on a condom.

Negative associations and attitudes about condoms, known as condom bias, have long muted the safer sex message. They reflect both real and perceived barriers that can prevent people from using condoms, even when the risk of transmission is known. As a result, many decide to "trade off" between the potential risk and the "consequences" they associate with condom use.

Examples include:
  • Lack of sexual spontaneity
  • Unpleasant taste and smell
  • Reduction of sexual pleasure for both men and women
  • Loss of erection
  • Condom use may be seen as a declaration of distrust or infidelity
  • Condom use may be seen as a sign of sexual "promiscuity"
  • Fear of being identified as "high risk," or as part of a stigmatized population (e.g. MSM)

Condom Fatigue

By contrast, condom fatigue (also known as "prevention fatigue") is a term used to describe the general weariness felt by those who have tired of condom use. It reflects the decreased effectiveness of prevention messages, and is often associated with the increased transmission rates in MSM populations (although it directly impacts all population groups).

An increasing awareness of the benefits of antiretroviral therapy has led many to seek alternatives to condoms. Chief among these is the issue of "treatment as prevention" (a principle by which transmission risk is shown to be reduced in those who are able to fully suppress viral activity on HIV medication). Its implication as community health policy has been widely debated, with concerns that it may lead some to make uninformed choices about condom use.

A survey conducted by the Terrence Higgins Trust in London showed that, of a cohort of HIV-positive MSM, respondents largely failed to consider their viral load in relation to transmission risk when making sexual decisions. Another reported that selective condom use was often based on the assumed HIV status of a sexual partner, rather than on an informed dialogue about serostatus, antiretroviral use or viral load.

This seems to suggest that condom fatigue contributes to how a person uses anecdotal information to make or validate personal belief, as opposed to making a conscious choice to have unprotected sex.

Possible Strategies to Reinforce Condom Use

  • If you are unaware of your HIV status and sexually active, get tested. Research has shown that knowing one's status generally increases the sense of responsibility one has toward protecting themselves and others from HIV.
  • Performing a personal risk assessment can help individualize the risk factors that make you personally "vulnerable" to infection. By better understanding your personal risk, you can make more informed decisions on how to protect yourself.
  • Rather than addressing HIV transmission in general terms, find information in plain language on transmission risk for women, African Americans or MSM, which can easily be found at your nearest women's health facility, public clinic, or LGBT community center. This can provide information-sharing specific to your needs, particularly in regard to safer sex strategies.
  • Sexual education interventions (including instructions on the proper use of condoms and avoidance of common mistakes) have been shown to overcome many of the perceived barriers to condom use. In one study, condom use increased from 29% to 71% in a group of at-risk, heterosexual men after a single educational intervention.
  • Mix it up. Try to integrate condoms into your sexual play. Vary colors or explore creative ways to put them on. If you have a fit problem, explore variations that you can purchase online.
  • Don't count out the female condom (or the "fem-dom"), which Planned Parenthood stated "may enhance sex play...the external ring may stimulate the clitoris during vaginal intercourse." Female condoms also provide proactive controls to women who might be less able to negotiate safer sex.
  • By and large, reducing the numbers of sex partners correlates to higher condom use. Studies suggest that this reduces the number of anonymous sexual encounters ("one night stands"), while incentivizing greater discussion about sexual health and HIV/STD prevention.
  • Recruiting sexual contacts online often results in "serosorting" (using online information to make decisions and/or assumptions about a person's HIV status and sexual practices). Instead of relying on profile information, take the opportunity to actively discuss HIV and other health issues online before meeting.


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Jacobs, R.; Kane. M.; and Ownby, R. "Condom Use, Disclosure, and Risk for Unprotected Sex in HIV-Negative Midlife and Older Men Who Have Sex With Men."American Journal of Men's Health. May 2013; 7(3):186-197.

New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. "Women, Unprotected Anal Sex and HIV Risk"New York Vital Signs. February 2010; 9(2):1-4.

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