3 Unbelievable Techniques You Can Use to Seduce Women
Knowing how to seduce women is a fine art -- but it is not something you should pick up from, say, watching some cheesy reality show on a music video channel (but let's not name any names, here).
That is a guy, using a guy's techniques, about what a guy thinks women want.
Trust in this: most girls laugh at theories and techniques like that and quite a lot of them even find guys like that creepy.
To know want a girl wants, you need to think like a girl.
This can involve talking to a friend who is a girl and will be honest with you, or picking up a book on the subject, such as the controversial but oh so informative one by Tiffany Taylor, or checking out the following three techniques -- which used the first two choices to get its information, anyway.
First thing is first: do not think that you have to try and act like someone else -- the bad boy, for instance, for whom so many women seem to fall.
They do, that is certainly true -- their minds are telling them to go with the nice guy, because he is way more worth it, but their emotions are overriding that urge and convincing them to follow the air of excitement and challenge that follows the cocky jerk.
He treats women like dirt though, right? So eventually, not only do girls get their hearts broken, but you can be sure that they are telling every other women ever to stay away from that guy.
You risk the same thing if you act like that, and you do not need to anyway.
It is his air of self assurance to which women are actually responding -- he is sure of and completely confident in himself, and they can tell.
So trust your skills, and so will innumerable women.
That being said, always remember that there is a fine line between being that cocky jerk and simply having faith in yourself.
It does not pay to act like a four-letter expletive and anyway, women like a gentleman.
Be polite without acting submissive, pull out a girl's chair but do not simper and do not act patronizing.
The third technique guaranteed to help you seduce women is to exude an air of power.
This is somewhat related to confidence but it is not quite the same.
Mammals are animals, remember; maintain eye contact with a women, whether you are talking to each other or glancing at each other across the room.
In that case, a meaningful, straightforward look will take you very far -- quite literally, if you play your cards right.
That is a guy, using a guy's techniques, about what a guy thinks women want.
Trust in this: most girls laugh at theories and techniques like that and quite a lot of them even find guys like that creepy.
To know want a girl wants, you need to think like a girl.
This can involve talking to a friend who is a girl and will be honest with you, or picking up a book on the subject, such as the controversial but oh so informative one by Tiffany Taylor, or checking out the following three techniques -- which used the first two choices to get its information, anyway.
First thing is first: do not think that you have to try and act like someone else -- the bad boy, for instance, for whom so many women seem to fall.
They do, that is certainly true -- their minds are telling them to go with the nice guy, because he is way more worth it, but their emotions are overriding that urge and convincing them to follow the air of excitement and challenge that follows the cocky jerk.
He treats women like dirt though, right? So eventually, not only do girls get their hearts broken, but you can be sure that they are telling every other women ever to stay away from that guy.
You risk the same thing if you act like that, and you do not need to anyway.
It is his air of self assurance to which women are actually responding -- he is sure of and completely confident in himself, and they can tell.
So trust your skills, and so will innumerable women.
That being said, always remember that there is a fine line between being that cocky jerk and simply having faith in yourself.
It does not pay to act like a four-letter expletive and anyway, women like a gentleman.
Be polite without acting submissive, pull out a girl's chair but do not simper and do not act patronizing.
The third technique guaranteed to help you seduce women is to exude an air of power.
This is somewhat related to confidence but it is not quite the same.
Mammals are animals, remember; maintain eye contact with a women, whether you are talking to each other or glancing at each other across the room.
In that case, a meaningful, straightforward look will take you very far -- quite literally, if you play your cards right.