Hypertension - How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Without Drugs
The treatment of high blood pressure without the use of pharmaceutical drugs is not a new phenomenon.
It is becoming a more frequent method in the treatment of this condition based on the common opinion that high blood pressure is largely a result of our lifestyle habits.
It is also the preferred way to treat high blood pressure first because, if the pressure can be lowered using natural methods this can avoid the more expensive option of using pharmaceutical drugs.
It is well known that a high intake of salt in your diet can contribute to increasing your blood pressure level.
This is not surprising when you take into to consideration the Western diet includes a lot of processed and fast food that is high in salt.
Many people in America eat far too much salt and do not realise the hidden salt in their food.
Salt can be addictive as it is used as an additive to enhance the flavor of food.
It is imperative that you monitor your intake of salt.
If you are consuming too much of it then reduce your intake as soon as possible.
You can reduce your consumption of salt by using less in your cooking and avoiding processed foods.
Also, remove salt from the dinner table as it is not needed.
If you cannot bear to reduce your salt intake use an alternative instead.
Normal table salt is high in sodium chloride therefore, choose other salts that have lower levels such as sea salt, rock salt or unprocessed salt.
These products are also richer in potassium making them a healthier option.
If you are overweight you are increasing your risk of high blood pressure.
Medical studies show a direct link that exercising more can reduce your blood pressure levels.
This provides more evidence to take regular exercise.
Probably the best form of exercise for lowering high blood pressure is cardiovascular aerobic training.
This specific type of exercise targets the heart and lungs to increase its capacity and strength.
These exercises are best done in short, quick sessions.
Cardiovascular training also helps to reduce weight which has a direct affect on reducing heart disease.
If you enjoy the occasional alcoholic drink then this habit can actually help you to reduce your blood pressure levels.
However, drinking too much alcohol can have the opposite effect.
This can clearly be seen as the majority of alcoholics and heavy drinkers have high blood pressure as a result of their drinking.
As the drinking continues this can lead to further health problems such as a stroke or liver disease.
Always seek medical advice from your doctor before embarking on a new exercise program or making a change to your diet
It is becoming a more frequent method in the treatment of this condition based on the common opinion that high blood pressure is largely a result of our lifestyle habits.
It is also the preferred way to treat high blood pressure first because, if the pressure can be lowered using natural methods this can avoid the more expensive option of using pharmaceutical drugs.
It is well known that a high intake of salt in your diet can contribute to increasing your blood pressure level.
This is not surprising when you take into to consideration the Western diet includes a lot of processed and fast food that is high in salt.
Many people in America eat far too much salt and do not realise the hidden salt in their food.
Salt can be addictive as it is used as an additive to enhance the flavor of food.
It is imperative that you monitor your intake of salt.
If you are consuming too much of it then reduce your intake as soon as possible.
You can reduce your consumption of salt by using less in your cooking and avoiding processed foods.
Also, remove salt from the dinner table as it is not needed.
If you cannot bear to reduce your salt intake use an alternative instead.
Normal table salt is high in sodium chloride therefore, choose other salts that have lower levels such as sea salt, rock salt or unprocessed salt.
These products are also richer in potassium making them a healthier option.
If you are overweight you are increasing your risk of high blood pressure.
Medical studies show a direct link that exercising more can reduce your blood pressure levels.
This provides more evidence to take regular exercise.
Probably the best form of exercise for lowering high blood pressure is cardiovascular aerobic training.
This specific type of exercise targets the heart and lungs to increase its capacity and strength.
These exercises are best done in short, quick sessions.
Cardiovascular training also helps to reduce weight which has a direct affect on reducing heart disease.
If you enjoy the occasional alcoholic drink then this habit can actually help you to reduce your blood pressure levels.
However, drinking too much alcohol can have the opposite effect.
This can clearly be seen as the majority of alcoholics and heavy drinkers have high blood pressure as a result of their drinking.
As the drinking continues this can lead to further health problems such as a stroke or liver disease.
Always seek medical advice from your doctor before embarking on a new exercise program or making a change to your diet