The Main Cause of Cold Sores
Do your lips, mouth or nose occur sores? There is a small, painful and fluid-filled blister that commonly painful and will last for few days.
If you have one of these symptoms, it means you are suffering cold sores.
This disease is caused by a virus.
Dissimilar like other viral infections, the virus cannot be eliminated by the body because it will recur.
The virus is known as herpes simplex virus (HSV).
It divided into two types, I and II.
HSV type I is the main cause of cold sores and usually herpes simplex is infectious.
Everyone can be infected by this disease through kissing and other skin contact.
For you know, infected saliva can spread the virus to other healthy people who kiss the sufferer.
The most contagious sufferer is someone who has active fluid-filled blister sores.
When the blister have dried and coated over, drastically the hazard of infectious will reduce.
But, you have to notice that person with HSV can spread it to another person when the cold sores are not active.
It is because the virus still in saliva though the disease is not present.
If you are getting infected, later than the first contagion, the germ will enter to nerve cells and go through the ganglion.
There, the seeds start to multiply again and go down the nerve to skin.
That's how the disease happen.
Actually, the correct way how this disease happen still unclear, but there are some conditions that related to the recurrence.
Fever, colds and flu are the major condition where this illness occur to you, and that's why this sickness called fever blister.
Other situations which are influenced the infection are ultraviolet radiation, stress, immune system changed, hormonal changes (like menstruation) and trauma to the skin.
In addition, cold sores potential to recur in the same place.
It may often happen in the same time too, such as once a month.
Or you can suffer this disease occasionally like once or twice a year.
If you have one of these symptoms, it means you are suffering cold sores.
This disease is caused by a virus.
Dissimilar like other viral infections, the virus cannot be eliminated by the body because it will recur.
The virus is known as herpes simplex virus (HSV).
It divided into two types, I and II.
HSV type I is the main cause of cold sores and usually herpes simplex is infectious.
Everyone can be infected by this disease through kissing and other skin contact.
For you know, infected saliva can spread the virus to other healthy people who kiss the sufferer.
The most contagious sufferer is someone who has active fluid-filled blister sores.
When the blister have dried and coated over, drastically the hazard of infectious will reduce.
But, you have to notice that person with HSV can spread it to another person when the cold sores are not active.
It is because the virus still in saliva though the disease is not present.
If you are getting infected, later than the first contagion, the germ will enter to nerve cells and go through the ganglion.
There, the seeds start to multiply again and go down the nerve to skin.
That's how the disease happen.
Actually, the correct way how this disease happen still unclear, but there are some conditions that related to the recurrence.
Fever, colds and flu are the major condition where this illness occur to you, and that's why this sickness called fever blister.
Other situations which are influenced the infection are ultraviolet radiation, stress, immune system changed, hormonal changes (like menstruation) and trauma to the skin.
In addition, cold sores potential to recur in the same place.
It may often happen in the same time too, such as once a month.
Or you can suffer this disease occasionally like once or twice a year.