How to Get Your Ex Back Fast - Watch Them Be Drawn to You Like a Magnet
Are you going crazy with feelings of separation anxiety ever since you broke up with your ex? Does it seem like the harder to you try to get them back the more distant they become? Are you suffering from lack of sleep and no appetite? Unfortunately this is a very typical scenario for many people who are trying desperately to get an ex back.
You're probably unconsciously pushing them further away.
The good news is that you can turn things around and win your loved one back by following certain basic attraction principles.
Attraction isn't a choice...
it's a powerful reaction that is triggered naturally.
By working in harmony with basic human nature you can trigger the attraction response and get your ex to be drawn back to you again.
However, the opposite is also true...
if you're not careful you can trigger an anti-attraction response which will end up pushing them even further away.
Think back to times when someone was "pushing" for you to do something.
How did you react? You resisted right? It's basic human nature to react this way and your ex is no different.
The harder you push, the more they will pull away from you.
When your ex sees you acting depressed, needy and/or pushy, they will tend to be much less attracted to you.
Again, this is basic human nature.
It's natural to be attracted to qualities of strength, independence and confidence...
the exact opposite of what you portray when you desperately chase after your ex.
You need to back off, give your ex some space and start reconnecting with your inner strength.
Allow your ex to reconnect with the "original you" that they were attracted to in the beginning.
Acting desperate and needy is probably out of character for you and your ex can sense this.
They will react by pulling away.
Take a break from the relationship.
Allow your ex some time to miss you.
Use this time to build up your inner strength, confidence and independence.
When you finally make contact with your ex again they will notice the positive changes and be much more open to getting back together.
You're probably unconsciously pushing them further away.
The good news is that you can turn things around and win your loved one back by following certain basic attraction principles.
Attraction isn't a choice...
it's a powerful reaction that is triggered naturally.
By working in harmony with basic human nature you can trigger the attraction response and get your ex to be drawn back to you again.
However, the opposite is also true...
if you're not careful you can trigger an anti-attraction response which will end up pushing them even further away.
Think back to times when someone was "pushing" for you to do something.
How did you react? You resisted right? It's basic human nature to react this way and your ex is no different.
The harder you push, the more they will pull away from you.
When your ex sees you acting depressed, needy and/or pushy, they will tend to be much less attracted to you.
Again, this is basic human nature.
It's natural to be attracted to qualities of strength, independence and confidence...
the exact opposite of what you portray when you desperately chase after your ex.
You need to back off, give your ex some space and start reconnecting with your inner strength.
Allow your ex to reconnect with the "original you" that they were attracted to in the beginning.
Acting desperate and needy is probably out of character for you and your ex can sense this.
They will react by pulling away.
Take a break from the relationship.
Allow your ex some time to miss you.
Use this time to build up your inner strength, confidence and independence.
When you finally make contact with your ex again they will notice the positive changes and be much more open to getting back together.