How to Transfer Money From a Credit Card to a Checking Account
- 1). Call your credit card company to make sure the card provides the option for taking out a cash advance. Almost every credit card provides the option to get a cash advance against the card, although it is a good idea to check first. Be sure to ask about the transaction fee. A transaction fee for a cash advance is typically around 3 percent, although each card will have different rules. Note that in addition to the transaction fee, you will also be charged an interest rate (unique to the credit card) for taking out a cash advance. Make certain that you ask about this as well.
- 2). Call your local bank to make sure that the bank provides cash advances. The majority of banks do -- particularly if your credit card is provided through the bank -- but some smaller local banks might refuse to offer the option. If your bank does not offer it, be sure to call around and find one that does. Even if you do not have an account with that branch, the bank might still be willing to provide a cash advance.
- 3). Go to the bank and request a cash advance against your credit card. You will have to fill out and sign a form stating how much you are taking out and your credit card number. From there, the bank teller will provide you with the cash that you request, and you can deposit it into your checking account.
- 4). Fill out the convenience check provided by your credit card company, if you are unable to get a cash advance from the bank. Fill out the amount and sign the check where required, then deposit it into your checking account.