How to Look for Wear or Cracks on Belts in a Plymouth Neon
- 1). Prop up the hood of your Plymouth Neon and look for the drive belts. There are two of them: one runs the air conditioner and power steering pump and will run in between these two components and the other belt runs the alternator.
- 2). Search for any imperfections you can see in either of the belts on your Plymouth Neon. Look for fraying, ripping and cracking; if you see any, replace the belt right away.
- 3). Feel the belt to search for any smooth spots. A belt in good condition will have a slight texture to it. If the belt feels smooth or glossy to you, this is a sign of wear and you must replace the belt immediately.
- 4). Look for oil on the belts. If you see any, this is most likely a sign of an oil leak. Replace the belt and get the leak fixed.
- 5). Shut the hood of your Plymouth Neon and lock it into place. Take necessary action on any repairs needed.