How To Tell Whether My Child Suffers Autism
Autism can be defined as the emotional, mental and behavioral abnormalities affecting the children, who are in their early days of life.
Normally the autistic disorder or autism is common for the children having age 3 or less.
This behavioral disorder results into difficulty in human interaction in case of children as well as adolescents.
As a result the normal development of the person gets affected.
The typical symptoms of autism for children and adolescents are as follows: - facing difficulty in inter-personal communication; - repeating the same type of behavior such as constantly banging the head, twirling or touching things or continuously rocking sideways or back and forth; - getting less involved with various activities or interests; and - getting troubled for negligible alteration in regular activities and normal setups.
A child affected with autism can display the symptoms in her early days of infancy, which is supposed to come back after several days of usual development.
It is very difficult to categorize any specific situation which can be related to the triggering of autism.
In fact, every 7 children among 10 autistic children and adolescents; are also affected with mental retardation or some other abnormalities involving the function or structure of their brain.
As per the latest statistical report, there are around 14 children for every 10, 000; who are affected with autistic disorder or similar problem.
Considering the total population of United States, there are 125,000 Americans suffering with these problems and around 4,000 households of the country have at least 2 or more children affected with autistic disorder.
Autism is present for three times as many boys as girls.
The cause of autistic disorder is yet to be discovered by the scientists.
Till today the researchers have come up with many alternatives as causes, such as immunity system disorder or a particular combination of certain biological aspects, infection with virus before birth or inheriting from earlier generation.
Scientists also found out the effects of certain chemicals inside the brain and the immunity system, which can be related with autism.
Serotonin, a chemical substance of brain is supposed to get decreased for the development of autism.
It has been seen for some autistic children that this chemical substance did not decrease.
Medical scientists are now researching on this situation to know whether this has any relation to the disease and if positive, then why this is common for autistic children and what are the other aspects tangled with this condition.
Normally the autistic disorder or autism is common for the children having age 3 or less.
This behavioral disorder results into difficulty in human interaction in case of children as well as adolescents.
As a result the normal development of the person gets affected.
The typical symptoms of autism for children and adolescents are as follows: - facing difficulty in inter-personal communication; - repeating the same type of behavior such as constantly banging the head, twirling or touching things or continuously rocking sideways or back and forth; - getting less involved with various activities or interests; and - getting troubled for negligible alteration in regular activities and normal setups.
A child affected with autism can display the symptoms in her early days of infancy, which is supposed to come back after several days of usual development.
It is very difficult to categorize any specific situation which can be related to the triggering of autism.
In fact, every 7 children among 10 autistic children and adolescents; are also affected with mental retardation or some other abnormalities involving the function or structure of their brain.
As per the latest statistical report, there are around 14 children for every 10, 000; who are affected with autistic disorder or similar problem.
Considering the total population of United States, there are 125,000 Americans suffering with these problems and around 4,000 households of the country have at least 2 or more children affected with autistic disorder.
Autism is present for three times as many boys as girls.
The cause of autistic disorder is yet to be discovered by the scientists.
Till today the researchers have come up with many alternatives as causes, such as immunity system disorder or a particular combination of certain biological aspects, infection with virus before birth or inheriting from earlier generation.
Scientists also found out the effects of certain chemicals inside the brain and the immunity system, which can be related with autism.
Serotonin, a chemical substance of brain is supposed to get decreased for the development of autism.
It has been seen for some autistic children that this chemical substance did not decrease.
Medical scientists are now researching on this situation to know whether this has any relation to the disease and if positive, then why this is common for autistic children and what are the other aspects tangled with this condition.