How to Set a Leg Trap for a Red Fox
- 1). Locate where fox are traveling along a woods line, farm fields that border a natural growth area or along a fence row. Tracks in soft dirt, mud or snow along with feces containing hair and bits of bone are indications that fox use the route.
- 2). Drive a 2 to 3 inch diameter dead stick solidly into the ground to a height of 12 inches to serve as the scent post. The post needs to be within 2 feet of the fox's path and to the woods or field side if it boarders a farm field. A chunk of rotted wood 8 to 12 inches high and as wide will work as well.
- 3). Dig a hollow trap bed to the path side of the scent post. Dig it big enough for the set trap to lie in and deep enough so the surrounding ground is 1/2 inch above the top of the trap. The trap pan should be 12 to 15 inches away from the stick and even with it.
- 4). Place the set trap in the bed so the springs and open jaws are parallel to the stick. The fox will come up beside the stick and step between the jaws and not over them. Attach the extension chain to the trap chain ring with an S hook.
- 5). Find a tree branch 3 to 4 inches in diameter and 6 feet long. Trim any protruding twigs off of it and lay the branch on the side of the scent post opposite the trap and parallel to it to keep the fox from coming to the post from the wrong side. Stretch the chain out to the branch and wire the end of the chain to the middle of the branch.
- 6). Sift dirt over the trap until the trap is covered and looks natural to the surrounding ground. Dig a shallow trench and bury the extension chain up to the branch it is wired to.
- 7). Apply 20 to 40 drops of fox urine to the trap side of the scent post. If the urine is in a plastic squirt bottle give two full squirts to the post. Dip a dry twig in the fox lure and lay it at the base of the post.
- 8). Check the set every day to remove a trapped fox. The trapped fox will drag the branch away from the set; follow the trail left by the dragging branch to the fox.