Shortness of Breath Diagnosis
- The causes of shortness of breath can come from asthma, congestive heart failure, anemia, pulmonary emboli, sinus problems, lung disease, or panic attacks. With asthma, the air passages swell and air does not flow. With heart failure, the heart does not pump oxygen-filled blood to the body. With anemia, the body's blood count is so low that the blood does not get enough oxygen. With emboli, a clot blocks the arteries in the lungs from getting blood flow. Sinus problems have swelling in the nasal passages and throat area, and panic attacks make a person feel like she is just smothering.
- Treatment for shortness of breath varies. If at home and shortness of breath is from exercise or activity then resting in an upright position while taking deep breaths will resolve it. If it is sudden, causing discomfort, and does not resolve, then a doctor should be called immediately. Oxygen and nebulizer treatments are used to get breathing restored. The oxygen and nebulizers may be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause.
- The best way to prevent shortness of breath is to determine the cause. Not smoking and avoiding smoke filled areas will help. Also avoiding fumes such as paint and chemicals will prevent shortness of breath. Most preventions will be based on the condition causing the shortness of breath. The doctor may suggest lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise depending on the issues causing the problem.
- Shortness of breath is diagnosed in a variety of ways. A doctor will perform a physical exam first and then proceed with blood test and xrays. Also stress test, echocardiograms, oxygen saturations, cat scans and heart monitors may be ordered for definitive diagnosis for certain conditions.
- Shortness of breath will need to be monitored when it begins to occur. Writing down when the shortness of breath starts, how long the episode last, what you were doing when it happened and any other factors that the doctor could use to treat and diagnose. Keeping an accurate record of this will provide much needed information.