How to Build a Heated Outdoor Cat Box
- 1). Cut a doorway 6 inches by 6 inches in the long side of a large Rubbermaid storage bin. Cut the hole near the corner and up several inches from the bottom of the container.
- 2). Line the floor and sides of the container with Styrofoam that has been cut to the appropriate measurement. Don't forget to cut out the doorway in the Styrofoam as well. Be sure that the Styrofoam goes all the way up the bin to help keep the whole container insulated.
- 3). Glue Mylar survival blanket to the Styrofoam inside the container. Glue both the sides and the bottom. The survival blanket will reflect the cat's body heat back onto him. When choosing a glue, most any type will work as long as the adhesive does not contain a solvent. Glues containing solvent will cause the Styrofoam to erode.
- 4). Line the inside of the container's lid with Styrofoam and glue the Mylar survival blanket to the Styrofoam.
- 5). Place an outdoor electric heat pad inside the container. You will need an electrical outlet nearby to plug the mat into. An electric heat pad is a pad that warms when plugged into an outlet. It is recommended to purchase one that has an adjustable thermostat so that it will kick off when the desired temperature is reached.
- 6). Place the lid onto the container. The heated cat box is now ready for your kitty.