Hemorrhoids - An Overview
One of the most painful things that people can experience is hemorrhoids.
These protrusions can be located inside or outside the rectum.
The painful ones are usually inflamed or swollen and located inside the rectum and they may require treatment.
The symptoms of these protrusions include stools that are bright red and sufferers may see them on toilet papers or toilet bowls after defecating.
The kinds of protrusions that cause an itchy anal opening, discomfort or pain are called prolapsed veins.
On the other hand, external protrusions may spawn blood clots called thrombosis that are very painful because of the swelling and bleeding involved.
Moreover, a hard lump may also develop around a person's anus.
If the blood clots that formed around the area dissolve, then excess skin will be left behind so a person's skin can become itchy or irritated.
Worse things can happen to a person if the inflamed veins run one another or there is too much straining around the anus area that more itching will occur.
Fortunately for many sufferers, the symptoms are not long lasting or life threatening and they typically disappear after a few days.
Some people who have hemorrhoids do not experience any symptom.
Incidentally, people who are aged 45 to 65 suffer from different kinds of these growths sometime in their lives.
There are many factors that cause these growths to swell up and become painful.
Among them is chronic diarrhea or constipation, strained bowel movements, extended stay on the toilet, and little fiber intake.
Also, when people get older their connective tissues become weaker that they become more susceptible to these growths that affect their rectum.
Pregnant women will also experience some discomfort because hemorrhoids may also put pressure on their abdomens and make their veins larger than usual.
Luckily for them, their swollen veins will disappear after they give birth.
For some people though they are unsure if they have swollen veins so they have themselves checked up by a doctor.
The symptoms of these swollen veins are similar to other growths like polyps, abscesses, fissures and warts.
A doctor will usually examine some patients if they have these and he will use his finger that is covered by a lubricated glove and a lighted tube.
If a doctor will see that there is bleeding, it is possible that the person has swollen veins or is suffering from colorectal cancer.
These protrusions can be located inside or outside the rectum.
The painful ones are usually inflamed or swollen and located inside the rectum and they may require treatment.
The symptoms of these protrusions include stools that are bright red and sufferers may see them on toilet papers or toilet bowls after defecating.
The kinds of protrusions that cause an itchy anal opening, discomfort or pain are called prolapsed veins.
On the other hand, external protrusions may spawn blood clots called thrombosis that are very painful because of the swelling and bleeding involved.
Moreover, a hard lump may also develop around a person's anus.
If the blood clots that formed around the area dissolve, then excess skin will be left behind so a person's skin can become itchy or irritated.
Worse things can happen to a person if the inflamed veins run one another or there is too much straining around the anus area that more itching will occur.
Fortunately for many sufferers, the symptoms are not long lasting or life threatening and they typically disappear after a few days.
Some people who have hemorrhoids do not experience any symptom.
Incidentally, people who are aged 45 to 65 suffer from different kinds of these growths sometime in their lives.
There are many factors that cause these growths to swell up and become painful.
Among them is chronic diarrhea or constipation, strained bowel movements, extended stay on the toilet, and little fiber intake.
Also, when people get older their connective tissues become weaker that they become more susceptible to these growths that affect their rectum.
Pregnant women will also experience some discomfort because hemorrhoids may also put pressure on their abdomens and make their veins larger than usual.
Luckily for them, their swollen veins will disappear after they give birth.
For some people though they are unsure if they have swollen veins so they have themselves checked up by a doctor.
The symptoms of these swollen veins are similar to other growths like polyps, abscesses, fissures and warts.
A doctor will usually examine some patients if they have these and he will use his finger that is covered by a lubricated glove and a lighted tube.
If a doctor will see that there is bleeding, it is possible that the person has swollen veins or is suffering from colorectal cancer.