Demographic History
Demographic-history refers to a study which studies history of population and processes of demography, using usually various data of statistics such as census. Inside the social-history, it is said to have significant specialty as it is having solid connections along with demography's larger field, as we can see clearly in the Demographic-Transition's study.
Demographic history is related with the following fields: -
Demographic history is related with the following fields: -
- Historical-demography – It is a quantitative-study regarding population of human in past. Basically, these are concerned with both 3 staple components regarding the change of the population i.e. migration, fertility and mortality as well as with characteristics of the population having relation with the components like marriage, family's configuration as well as status of socio economy.
- Paleodemography – This is a study relating to ancient mortality, migration and fertility of human. Specifically, it looks upon changes that have occurred in the pre-modern-population for determining something regarding influences upon health and lifespan of ancient people.
- Prehistoric-demography – It is a study regarding hominid and human population's demography.
- Classical-demography – It means study regarding demography of human in Classical-period. It mainly focuses upon total no. of live people in civilizations near Mediterranean-Sea the area between the Roman Empire's fall and Bronze-Age. Historians of today take more interest in analyzing processes of demography like population's sex-ratio or death and birth rates. Questions on demography plays vital role for determining structure and size of Ancient-Greece's economy and economies of Roman.
- Medieval-demography – It mainly focuses upon European demography during Middle-Ages, along with population movements as well as trends. Changes in demography helped in shaping as well as defining Middle-Ages. The trend of population in the Europe at the time of Middle-Age is categorized roughly below: -
- Decline of population: 150 - 400
- Population is stable but at low degree: 400 - 1000
- Expansion and boom of population: 1000 - 1250
- At high-level the population is stable: 1250 - 1350
- Steep downfall in the population:1350 - 1420
- Population is stable but at low degree: 1420 – 1470
- Expansion is very slow as well as gaining impulse in early sixteenth century: 1470 – and onward.
- Historical-world-population – It is total no. of residing humans upon Earth. By Census-Bureau of U.S. it is being estimated currently to around 6.93billion. The population of world has seen continuous increase since many years.