Approach to Knowledge and Learning Integrity
The resources required to 'deliver' high levels of public integrity are huge though, even if it were possible; arguably greater than the resources one could imagine being available.
This is due to the high costs of achieving: o Strategic 'doneness' (prioritization/sequencing) o Local legitimacy (polices come with ideological baggage) o High quality of knowledge to transfer (appropriateness to context) o Local commitment or 'buy-in' All these play a significant role in the application of pro-integrity reforms and are hard to overcome when applying a top-down, internationally driven approach to public integrity reform, such as has characterized much policy to date.
Reformers then face the challenge providing high quality knowledge to a large number of people in a sustainable manner to achieve their objectives.
Despite the increasinglyyear evidence of social benefits from high integrity the capacity prerequisites have delivered very little that is developed and sustained within local education and training sectors.
The purpose ofeducation for Integrityis to meet this challenge and to overborne these persists the impediments to pro-integrity reform: 1.
Unsystematic knowledge 2.
Poor quality or poorly adapted knowledge 3.
Lack of applied knowledge 4.
Dispersed expertise 5.
Lack of sustainable dissemination of knowledge The integrity education provides a framework for the best of international (codified) knowledge to be blended with the tacit or experience based knowledge of local actors to raise capacities that will advance pro-integrity reform in countries on a case-by-case basis.
The goal is to develop and sustain high-quality; evidence-based learning delivered through major universities and civil service training institutions.
Integrity education basic approach is while great value can be derived from learning from experiences internationally, the delivery, adaptation and development of teaching and applied knowledge creation is best conducted with people who are close to the problems the courses address.
The education is guided by an innovative approach to generating knowledge through courses and resources that draws on four mutually supporting dimensions: o Organizational/ learning: high quality, systematized applied knowledge for reform; o Scalability: Ability and cost-effectiveness of scaling-up, respond to demand; o Sustainability: Demand-driven, self-sustaining over the short to medium-term; o Measurable: the ability to benchmark, track and scale the quality and improvements of the teaching and learning.
The performance of educationis therefore evaluated delivery on allfour of these dimensions in a manner that is consistent with achieving its objectives
This is due to the high costs of achieving: o Strategic 'doneness' (prioritization/sequencing) o Local legitimacy (polices come with ideological baggage) o High quality of knowledge to transfer (appropriateness to context) o Local commitment or 'buy-in' All these play a significant role in the application of pro-integrity reforms and are hard to overcome when applying a top-down, internationally driven approach to public integrity reform, such as has characterized much policy to date.
Reformers then face the challenge providing high quality knowledge to a large number of people in a sustainable manner to achieve their objectives.
Despite the increasinglyyear evidence of social benefits from high integrity the capacity prerequisites have delivered very little that is developed and sustained within local education and training sectors.
The purpose ofeducation for Integrityis to meet this challenge and to overborne these persists the impediments to pro-integrity reform: 1.
Unsystematic knowledge 2.
Poor quality or poorly adapted knowledge 3.
Lack of applied knowledge 4.
Dispersed expertise 5.
Lack of sustainable dissemination of knowledge The integrity education provides a framework for the best of international (codified) knowledge to be blended with the tacit or experience based knowledge of local actors to raise capacities that will advance pro-integrity reform in countries on a case-by-case basis.
The goal is to develop and sustain high-quality; evidence-based learning delivered through major universities and civil service training institutions.
Integrity education basic approach is while great value can be derived from learning from experiences internationally, the delivery, adaptation and development of teaching and applied knowledge creation is best conducted with people who are close to the problems the courses address.
The education is guided by an innovative approach to generating knowledge through courses and resources that draws on four mutually supporting dimensions: o Organizational/ learning: high quality, systematized applied knowledge for reform; o Scalability: Ability and cost-effectiveness of scaling-up, respond to demand; o Sustainability: Demand-driven, self-sustaining over the short to medium-term; o Measurable: the ability to benchmark, track and scale the quality and improvements of the teaching and learning.
The performance of educationis therefore evaluated delivery on allfour of these dimensions in a manner that is consistent with achieving its objectives