The Common Questions People Ask When They Have Been Injured As A Result Of A Traffic Accident
Copyright (c) 2011 Nicholas Jervis
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 1 - Everyone Receives The Same Amount Of Compensation For A Traffic Accident Claim.
Whilst there are excellent guidelines for every type of injury that can be suffered after a traffic accident, these are only guidelines. A good solicitor will often get the top award or even more for your type of injury and will fight to obtain the maximum amount of compensation for you. Another solicitor might accept a lower award or even the first offer from the insurance company (never a good thing to do).
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 2 - All Traffic Accident Claims Take Approximately The Same Amount Of Time.
Sadly this is very far from the truth. If you go to a specialist traffic accident claim solicitor they are likely to know all of the options which will lead to a faster settlement of your claim. They will have existing relationships with doctors to prepare your medical evidence and will know which evidence is vital to ensure your claim is successful. A non-specialist may have to carry out much more legal research before they can help you, and this undoubtedly is going to lead to more delays in your claim.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 3 - All Solicitors Are The Same.
You might think that every traffic accident claim solicitor is going to be equally as good as the rest. Unfortunately this is very far from the truth. Many large firms of solicitors employer junior staff who often have absolutely no legal qualifications. Whilst this does not of itself mean that you will not be well looked after, it is far more likely that a qualified solicitor will be able to obtain the maximum amount of traffic accident compensation in the fastest period of time.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 4 - If You Have Legal Expenses Insurance, You Have You Go To The Solicitor They Choose For You.
Most people do not realise this, but when your insurer tells you that you must use the solicitor that they have chosen for you, often the main or only reason for this is based on how much that solicitor will pay to the insurer to represent you. You see insurers are contacted by hundreds of people every day who have been injured in traffic accidents. They realised that if they send all of these people to one solicitor that is very valuable to them, so they started charging the solicitor for all of these referrals. The question you have to ask is, do you want the solicitor who has paid the insurer the most representing you, or do you want the one you have chosen to help you? The good thing is that you have complete freedom of choice of your solicitor, so you do not have to do as your insurer says, however hard they try and force you to do so (and they will because there is money involved).
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 5 - You Have To Wait Weeks For Physiotherapy, Chiropractic Or Osteopath Treatment On The NHS.
If you are dealing with a specialist solicitor they will have access to a national network of treatment providers who can help you wherever you live, often in a matter of a few days. What's more, the cost of the private medical treatment will be paid by the other driver's insurance company. So if you are in pain, there really is no need to wait for NHS treatment for your injury.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 6 - You Can Only Have A Replacement Car Or Motorbike If Your Insurance Policy Provides For One.
Whilst many insurance companies these days do not automatically provide a replacement car or motorbike, if yours is off the road because someone else drove into you, you can have a replacement and the cost can be paid by the other insurance company. Once again the right solicitor will be able to arrange this for you.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 7 - Insurance Companies Are So Keen To Settle Your Claim They Will Make You Quick, Fair And Reasonable Offers To Settle Your Claim.
Insurance companies are in business to make as much profit as possible. If they offer to settle your claim very quickly and before you choose a solicitor, there is only one reason for this; they are saving money. They are usually saving money in two places. First, they are paying you less than your claim is worth, and second, by settling your claim before you go to a solicitor they are avoiding paying legal fees. It is extremely dangerous to settle your claim without your own solicitor. Once you settle you cannot go back and ask for more. You need a solicitor to fully assess your claim and advise you what figure is a reasonable settlement. You should never settle your claim directly with an insurance company.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 1 - Everyone Receives The Same Amount Of Compensation For A Traffic Accident Claim.
Whilst there are excellent guidelines for every type of injury that can be suffered after a traffic accident, these are only guidelines. A good solicitor will often get the top award or even more for your type of injury and will fight to obtain the maximum amount of compensation for you. Another solicitor might accept a lower award or even the first offer from the insurance company (never a good thing to do).
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 2 - All Traffic Accident Claims Take Approximately The Same Amount Of Time.
Sadly this is very far from the truth. If you go to a specialist traffic accident claim solicitor they are likely to know all of the options which will lead to a faster settlement of your claim. They will have existing relationships with doctors to prepare your medical evidence and will know which evidence is vital to ensure your claim is successful. A non-specialist may have to carry out much more legal research before they can help you, and this undoubtedly is going to lead to more delays in your claim.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 3 - All Solicitors Are The Same.
You might think that every traffic accident claim solicitor is going to be equally as good as the rest. Unfortunately this is very far from the truth. Many large firms of solicitors employer junior staff who often have absolutely no legal qualifications. Whilst this does not of itself mean that you will not be well looked after, it is far more likely that a qualified solicitor will be able to obtain the maximum amount of traffic accident compensation in the fastest period of time.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 4 - If You Have Legal Expenses Insurance, You Have You Go To The Solicitor They Choose For You.
Most people do not realise this, but when your insurer tells you that you must use the solicitor that they have chosen for you, often the main or only reason for this is based on how much that solicitor will pay to the insurer to represent you. You see insurers are contacted by hundreds of people every day who have been injured in traffic accidents. They realised that if they send all of these people to one solicitor that is very valuable to them, so they started charging the solicitor for all of these referrals. The question you have to ask is, do you want the solicitor who has paid the insurer the most representing you, or do you want the one you have chosen to help you? The good thing is that you have complete freedom of choice of your solicitor, so you do not have to do as your insurer says, however hard they try and force you to do so (and they will because there is money involved).
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 5 - You Have To Wait Weeks For Physiotherapy, Chiropractic Or Osteopath Treatment On The NHS.
If you are dealing with a specialist solicitor they will have access to a national network of treatment providers who can help you wherever you live, often in a matter of a few days. What's more, the cost of the private medical treatment will be paid by the other driver's insurance company. So if you are in pain, there really is no need to wait for NHS treatment for your injury.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 6 - You Can Only Have A Replacement Car Or Motorbike If Your Insurance Policy Provides For One.
Whilst many insurance companies these days do not automatically provide a replacement car or motorbike, if yours is off the road because someone else drove into you, you can have a replacement and the cost can be paid by the other insurance company. Once again the right solicitor will be able to arrange this for you.
Traffic Accident Claim Secret Number 7 - Insurance Companies Are So Keen To Settle Your Claim They Will Make You Quick, Fair And Reasonable Offers To Settle Your Claim.
Insurance companies are in business to make as much profit as possible. If they offer to settle your claim very quickly and before you choose a solicitor, there is only one reason for this; they are saving money. They are usually saving money in two places. First, they are paying you less than your claim is worth, and second, by settling your claim before you go to a solicitor they are avoiding paying legal fees. It is extremely dangerous to settle your claim without your own solicitor. Once you settle you cannot go back and ask for more. You need a solicitor to fully assess your claim and advise you what figure is a reasonable settlement. You should never settle your claim directly with an insurance company.