Guidelines for Proper Cleaning of the Skin
By cleansing the skin are removed dead skin cells on the skin surface and with them also dust and impurities that lead to dilated pores. Impurities from atmosphere block pores and sebaceous glands intensify their work to fight infections and toxic agents. The negative effects of external agents will be observed in the moment when the skin starts to get a shiny appearance.
Skin should be cleaned 2 times a day, in morning and evening. And for this routine to perform safe will be used specifically cleaning products for each type. There are a variety of products for cleaning your skin as soap, cream or gel. These products act differently on the skin, so it is advisable to read the prospectus carefully, especially the indications and usage.
Cleaning must become a habit, especially if you use make-up, because these products may cause additional ailments.
Cleaning skin products
Exfoliating products are ideal for intensive cleaning of oily skin or with clogged pores; also these are useful for the skin which tend to develop blackheads. Experts advise to avoid soaps with high pH (alkaline) because they increase the risk of dryness and wrinkles. You should know that the skin is slightly acidic, with a pH of about 5, while most care products have a pH of about 7, some reaching up to 10. These products not only excessively dry the skin, but also destroy the protective layer formed by its own cells.
According to experts the best products for cleansing are natural, such as: products containing vegetable oils (coconut oil, lemongrass) and water, which combined with sebum help to dissolve impurities and by simply rinsing the face remain clean and moisturized. Vegetable oils have a relatively low pH, and stearic acid content of these increase skin firmness.
Facial exfoliation
Facial exfoliation help cleanse the skin surface by removing dead cells and impurities. It is recommended the use of exfoliants with mild abrasive content. Also, and quality should be considered because there are scrubs that contain also harsh abrasives, coarse, such as silicon dioxide or sand.
Although women are spending large sums of money, but also time for beauty, and especially for cleansing the face, their skin shows much more damage compared with that of men. Or at least this is the result of a study!
Experts believe that men use a more natural exfoliant, which is called daily shaving. Razor removes the layer of dead cells on the skin surface more easily, plus men do not use makeup, leaving the skin to breathe for longer.
No matter what skin type you have, cleansing at night before bed is a mandatory process. This is even more important than brushing in the morning, because the day pollutants and other impurities from the air sit on the face and if they are not removed can lead to various skin disorders.
Most people wash with soap and water due refreshing effect of this combination. In fact, the soap has an alkaline effect and lead to dryness by removing natural oils. Furthermore it can disrupt the alkaline - normal - acid balance of the skin.
Elmiplant Skin Control Exfoliating Gel is based on bamboo delicate micro particles which exfoliate the skin and remove blackheads. Due to the lemongrass oil composition, cleans and refreshes skin. It is suitable for combination skin, fat, very fat, with a tendency to acne or clogged pores.
It cleans dead cells, dirt and bacteria attached to the surface on the skin and blackheads while releasing pores. Removes excess oil as it helps to regulate oil gland activity. Moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin leaving it clean, bright and smooth.
Skin should be cleaned 2 times a day, in morning and evening. And for this routine to perform safe will be used specifically cleaning products for each type. There are a variety of products for cleaning your skin as soap, cream or gel. These products act differently on the skin, so it is advisable to read the prospectus carefully, especially the indications and usage.
Cleaning must become a habit, especially if you use make-up, because these products may cause additional ailments.
Cleaning skin products
Exfoliating products are ideal for intensive cleaning of oily skin or with clogged pores; also these are useful for the skin which tend to develop blackheads. Experts advise to avoid soaps with high pH (alkaline) because they increase the risk of dryness and wrinkles. You should know that the skin is slightly acidic, with a pH of about 5, while most care products have a pH of about 7, some reaching up to 10. These products not only excessively dry the skin, but also destroy the protective layer formed by its own cells.
According to experts the best products for cleansing are natural, such as: products containing vegetable oils (coconut oil, lemongrass) and water, which combined with sebum help to dissolve impurities and by simply rinsing the face remain clean and moisturized. Vegetable oils have a relatively low pH, and stearic acid content of these increase skin firmness.
Facial exfoliation
Facial exfoliation help cleanse the skin surface by removing dead cells and impurities. It is recommended the use of exfoliants with mild abrasive content. Also, and quality should be considered because there are scrubs that contain also harsh abrasives, coarse, such as silicon dioxide or sand.
Although women are spending large sums of money, but also time for beauty, and especially for cleansing the face, their skin shows much more damage compared with that of men. Or at least this is the result of a study!
Experts believe that men use a more natural exfoliant, which is called daily shaving. Razor removes the layer of dead cells on the skin surface more easily, plus men do not use makeup, leaving the skin to breathe for longer.
No matter what skin type you have, cleansing at night before bed is a mandatory process. This is even more important than brushing in the morning, because the day pollutants and other impurities from the air sit on the face and if they are not removed can lead to various skin disorders.
Most people wash with soap and water due refreshing effect of this combination. In fact, the soap has an alkaline effect and lead to dryness by removing natural oils. Furthermore it can disrupt the alkaline - normal - acid balance of the skin.
Elmiplant Skin Control Exfoliating Gel is based on bamboo delicate micro particles which exfoliate the skin and remove blackheads. Due to the lemongrass oil composition, cleans and refreshes skin. It is suitable for combination skin, fat, very fat, with a tendency to acne or clogged pores.
It cleans dead cells, dirt and bacteria attached to the surface on the skin and blackheads while releasing pores. Removes excess oil as it helps to regulate oil gland activity. Moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin leaving it clean, bright and smooth.