Using a Flea Trap Is The Ideal Solution for Killing Unwanted Parasites Without Spending a Fortune
Having to deal with an infestation of unwanted visitors of any sort is not going to be top of anybody's to do list for sure but, if it is fleas we are talking about psychologically the urgency always seems even more pressing and the sooner you can start to tackle getting them gone the better.
A flea trap has to be the perfect starting point because you immediately feel better when you see the negative effects it has on these horrible parasites.
A flea trap is a really clever bit of kit and very simple to use.
All you have to do is buy one, open it up and let it get on with the business of killing fleas it really is as simple as that.
The fantastic thing is that they control even the worst infestations and you get to monitor the proceedings, which is really comforting knowing that you are doing something so positive, so quickly.
New designs allow for an even better capture rate than anything else previously on the market.
With them also being perfectly safe not only to the surrounding environment but to any of your own animals and yourself too, this is a huge bonus and is pretty important.
After all, we are only interested in harming the right species.
So, how do they work so well? To understand how simply and efficiently they manage to get rid of the hopping hordes it may be useful to have a small insight in how the life cycle of the flea operates.
They pass through four stages consisting of egg, larva, pupa and on to adult.
The important thing to keep all of this going is food for the adult female as this enables her to lay her eggs.
The food source they love is blood and unfortunately it is your cat, dog, rabbit, chicken or even you that are the unwitting providers of these pests dinner.
They are attracted to what can be collectively described as warm blooded vertebrates by the warmth of the body heat and vibrations given off when moving around.
So, anytime you pass by or your cat is mooching around your backyard or, your dog is enjoying a snooze in the late afternoon sun in your shrubs you or they become the next meal very easily.
Once the female has had her fill of blood the eggs will be laid either on the host animal (or you) where some stay and others fall off wherever your pet roams, which can be anywhere in your home.
The eggs will develop quietly unseen until they are ready to hatch into full grown adults and the cycle starts again.
So, the beauty of a flea trap is that it mimics the warmth and emits vibrations which to the flea means one thing and that is food, except on this occasion it does not.
What transpires is they meet a sticky demise once they fall through the plastic grid onto the capture pad beneath.
It really is such a clever concept that will help you get them gone in no time at all.
A flea trap has to be the perfect starting point because you immediately feel better when you see the negative effects it has on these horrible parasites.
A flea trap is a really clever bit of kit and very simple to use.
All you have to do is buy one, open it up and let it get on with the business of killing fleas it really is as simple as that.
The fantastic thing is that they control even the worst infestations and you get to monitor the proceedings, which is really comforting knowing that you are doing something so positive, so quickly.
New designs allow for an even better capture rate than anything else previously on the market.
With them also being perfectly safe not only to the surrounding environment but to any of your own animals and yourself too, this is a huge bonus and is pretty important.
After all, we are only interested in harming the right species.
So, how do they work so well? To understand how simply and efficiently they manage to get rid of the hopping hordes it may be useful to have a small insight in how the life cycle of the flea operates.
They pass through four stages consisting of egg, larva, pupa and on to adult.
The important thing to keep all of this going is food for the adult female as this enables her to lay her eggs.
The food source they love is blood and unfortunately it is your cat, dog, rabbit, chicken or even you that are the unwitting providers of these pests dinner.
They are attracted to what can be collectively described as warm blooded vertebrates by the warmth of the body heat and vibrations given off when moving around.
So, anytime you pass by or your cat is mooching around your backyard or, your dog is enjoying a snooze in the late afternoon sun in your shrubs you or they become the next meal very easily.
Once the female has had her fill of blood the eggs will be laid either on the host animal (or you) where some stay and others fall off wherever your pet roams, which can be anywhere in your home.
The eggs will develop quietly unseen until they are ready to hatch into full grown adults and the cycle starts again.
So, the beauty of a flea trap is that it mimics the warmth and emits vibrations which to the flea means one thing and that is food, except on this occasion it does not.
What transpires is they meet a sticky demise once they fall through the plastic grid onto the capture pad beneath.
It really is such a clever concept that will help you get them gone in no time at all.