Your 5 Magical Keys To Align To Spiritual Leadership
The term "spiritual leadership" may bring up certain energies in you depending upon how you define it. Some people feel that they are not a spiritual leader unless they have reached a certain level of fame, or self-sacrifice, or they are living life like the Dalai Lama.
I believe that all of us have a spiritual leader inside waiting to come alive and be fully expressed in its own unique way. According to Webster's Dictionary, "a leader is one who influences other."
So, spiritual leadership is then impacting other's from spirit, and as such, we have all divinely touched or inspired someone in our life (whether we are consciously aware of our impact or not). The key to living from a place of spiritual leadership is to do so actively and consciously. It means starting with being the inspired leader for ourself and our own journey so that we can also play that role in someone else's journey too.
Some of us will affect the masses with our message as spiritual leaders, while others may have a profound impact in less public ways. Either way is no more or less valuable than the other, they are simply an expression of how each of us are called to bring spirit through us.
You may be the connector. The person that feels passionate about connecting souls with each other because of a deep feeling that certain folks are meant to meet.
You may be the teacher. The person who everyone comes to for guidance about how to do something (and as such, they experience change).
You may be the wisdomkeeper. The person who everyone seeks out for insight and enlightenment, thus seeming to be at the right place at the right time (always)!
You may be the nurturer. The person who loves others until they are strong enough to see the love within themselves (so that they can, in turn, nurture others).
You may be the catalyst. The person who people are attracted to (whether they know it or not) when they need a catalyst to ignite change in their lives.
Do you see a theme here? All of these roles (and of course, there are many more), are the flame that lights another's candle. What makes these roles more expansive, is when we become conscious of our impact, and own our role as spiritual leader by way of who we consistently attract.
Once you own who you are, then you can become more conscious about your spiritual leader and align to these energies. Here is some of what you need to accelerate this journey:
1. HUGE vision - see yourself where you would like to be 5years from now. Who are you impacting? Who have you become? What have you created? How does it feel to be in this vision?
2. Powerful Intentions - allow yourself to become crystal clear about how you want to feel in your inner world, and what you wish to create for yourself and others in your outer world.
Then, begin a daily practice of intentionality. How is your day going to unfold? What are you going t o attract to yourself? How do you want to feel? How do you want others to feel in connection with you? What do you wish to create?
3. Clear Strategy - examine your HUGE vision, then break it down so that you begin with the first logical step that is going to get you there, and then the next, and the next. I find it helpful to create a 12month plan of what seems the most fitting to move me closer to my larger vision.
*Remember that it is always about the journey, not the destination!
4. Positive Support - you can create a certain level of impact as a spiritual leader on your own. I can share with you that it is much more joyful, easy-breezy and impactful to have positive support, especially if you desire to make a greater impact. This may include social support, family support, collegial support, and mentorship. Take inventory about the level and quality of support you have right now, and ask yourself what additional support you need to move you to the next level.
5. Inspired Action - what is one action that you can implement right away to move you that much closer to fully aligning to your spiritual leadership?
I believe that all of us have a spiritual leader inside waiting to come alive and be fully expressed in its own unique way. According to Webster's Dictionary, "a leader is one who influences other."
So, spiritual leadership is then impacting other's from spirit, and as such, we have all divinely touched or inspired someone in our life (whether we are consciously aware of our impact or not). The key to living from a place of spiritual leadership is to do so actively and consciously. It means starting with being the inspired leader for ourself and our own journey so that we can also play that role in someone else's journey too.
Some of us will affect the masses with our message as spiritual leaders, while others may have a profound impact in less public ways. Either way is no more or less valuable than the other, they are simply an expression of how each of us are called to bring spirit through us.
You may be the connector. The person that feels passionate about connecting souls with each other because of a deep feeling that certain folks are meant to meet.
You may be the teacher. The person who everyone comes to for guidance about how to do something (and as such, they experience change).
You may be the wisdomkeeper. The person who everyone seeks out for insight and enlightenment, thus seeming to be at the right place at the right time (always)!
You may be the nurturer. The person who loves others until they are strong enough to see the love within themselves (so that they can, in turn, nurture others).
You may be the catalyst. The person who people are attracted to (whether they know it or not) when they need a catalyst to ignite change in their lives.
Do you see a theme here? All of these roles (and of course, there are many more), are the flame that lights another's candle. What makes these roles more expansive, is when we become conscious of our impact, and own our role as spiritual leader by way of who we consistently attract.
Once you own who you are, then you can become more conscious about your spiritual leader and align to these energies. Here is some of what you need to accelerate this journey:
1. HUGE vision - see yourself where you would like to be 5years from now. Who are you impacting? Who have you become? What have you created? How does it feel to be in this vision?
2. Powerful Intentions - allow yourself to become crystal clear about how you want to feel in your inner world, and what you wish to create for yourself and others in your outer world.
Then, begin a daily practice of intentionality. How is your day going to unfold? What are you going t o attract to yourself? How do you want to feel? How do you want others to feel in connection with you? What do you wish to create?
3. Clear Strategy - examine your HUGE vision, then break it down so that you begin with the first logical step that is going to get you there, and then the next, and the next. I find it helpful to create a 12month plan of what seems the most fitting to move me closer to my larger vision.
*Remember that it is always about the journey, not the destination!
4. Positive Support - you can create a certain level of impact as a spiritual leader on your own. I can share with you that it is much more joyful, easy-breezy and impactful to have positive support, especially if you desire to make a greater impact. This may include social support, family support, collegial support, and mentorship. Take inventory about the level and quality of support you have right now, and ask yourself what additional support you need to move you to the next level.
5. Inspired Action - what is one action that you can implement right away to move you that much closer to fully aligning to your spiritual leadership?