7 Types Of Warts - Plantar, Palmer, Flat, Filimore Warts and More
You see them depicted on the noses of scary witches at Halloween and you imagine that they come from handling frogs.
You expect to see kids with them more than adults, and actually you'd be correct; more children do suffer from the many types of warts than adults.
What you might not know, however, is precisely how common warts really are.
There are dozens of different types of warts.
Some appear only on your hands.
Some appear only on your feet.
Some are contagious and some are found only in their natural habitat.
Warts are not something that you might know much about, but there are a number of different types of warts that you should familiarize yourself with, as they are fairly common.
Warts Causes All warts, no matter what kind, where you find them, or where you contract them, are caused by one thing; the Human Papillomavirus, which is more commonly known to most people as HPV.
HPV is a virus that comes in over 100 forms.
Each one comes with its own form of warts in many different body parts.
The good news is that some forms of HPV are not very contagious in the form of person to person contact, such as plantar warts.
The bad news is that you can spread warts to yourself from other parts of your body and you can catch many different types of warts from others.
Plantar Warts Plantar warts are warts that are caused by contacting a form of HPV in its natural environment.
This type of wart is found only on your feet, typically the bottom.
It is not very easily spread from person to person, rather it is picked up where it thrives.
It thrives in warm, wet environments such as gyms, showers, and pools.
You cannot simply pick up this virus by walking around.
You must have an open sore on your foot for the virus to enter your bloodstream.
If a person living in your house has a plantar wart, be careful to stay out of the shower and bathroom without shoes if you have an open sore.
Palmer Warts Palmer warts are also caused by the HPV virus.
The only difference between these warts and plantar warts is the fact that they only appear on your hands rather than your feet.
Like plantar warts, they are noncancerous and your immune system will fight them and send them away on their own.
They are not particularly painful.
Most people don't even experience any discomfort at the hands of either palmer or plantar warts.
Flat Warts These are warts that typically grow on your face or neck, sometimes your arms and legs.
They are most often transferred by using something an infected person used, such as a razor or towel.
Much like plantar and palmer warts, however, you must have open skin that allows the virus to spread from the blade of a razor or the threads of a towel.
Filiform Warts These warts are also very common wart types.
These grow most often around your mouth and nose, spread to you by sharing the same product as a person already infected.
They appear the same color of your skin, but appear to have threads growing out of them.
They are unsightly and often devastating for a person to notice, since they appear in such a noticeable location.
Periungual Warts These warts are particularly gross and not something you want to suffer from because they grow under and around your nails on both your feet and hands.
They can affect the growth of your fingernails.
They are spread to your fingers most likely through nail biting.
If you have a wart around your mouth and your bite your nails, the HPV virus can enter the bitten area of the nail or cuticle and cause an infection to spread.
This will cause the growth of these warts.
Genital Warts These are probably the worst kind of warts to exist because they are known as an STD, or sexually transmitted disease.
These warts are pretty self explanatory and can have a major impact on your intimate and private life.
As you might well assume, they are most commonly spread through human to human contact, particularly in the form of intimate relations.
Some people, however, can have an infection and never experience a wart, which means that they might not be aware of their ability to spread this virus to others.
Common Warts Common warts are not easy to avoid if you have open sores anywhere on your body.
Unfortunately, the viruses that cause them live in a number of places that are commonly used.
Additionally, many of these viruses are easily spread from person to person from casual contact.
While there is nothing you can really do to prevent these warts once you come into contact with the virus, you can work to prevent coming into contact with the virus in the first place.
For example, with common warts, you can easily prevent being infected with the virus by always using your own items.
This includes towels, razors, and other commonly shared bathroom items, even your own makeup.
For STD type warts, you should always use protection while intimate and you should absolutely be tested regularly; and require the same for your partner.
These warts are not easy to avoid when you are presented with them, but they are avoidable if you know how to protect yourself.
The good news about the common warts listed in this article is that they are not really much to worry about, except of course, genital warts.
For the most part, the rest of the common warts listed here will go away on their own with little or no treatment needed.
Your immune system is designed to help fight the virus that causes them, meaning that once they are gone, you really need to be re-infected to see the warts appear on your body again.
Protecting yourself to prevent these warts is a great idea at all times.
You expect to see kids with them more than adults, and actually you'd be correct; more children do suffer from the many types of warts than adults.
What you might not know, however, is precisely how common warts really are.
There are dozens of different types of warts.
Some appear only on your hands.
Some appear only on your feet.
Some are contagious and some are found only in their natural habitat.
Warts are not something that you might know much about, but there are a number of different types of warts that you should familiarize yourself with, as they are fairly common.
Warts Causes All warts, no matter what kind, where you find them, or where you contract them, are caused by one thing; the Human Papillomavirus, which is more commonly known to most people as HPV.
HPV is a virus that comes in over 100 forms.
Each one comes with its own form of warts in many different body parts.
The good news is that some forms of HPV are not very contagious in the form of person to person contact, such as plantar warts.
The bad news is that you can spread warts to yourself from other parts of your body and you can catch many different types of warts from others.
Plantar Warts Plantar warts are warts that are caused by contacting a form of HPV in its natural environment.
This type of wart is found only on your feet, typically the bottom.
It is not very easily spread from person to person, rather it is picked up where it thrives.
It thrives in warm, wet environments such as gyms, showers, and pools.
You cannot simply pick up this virus by walking around.
You must have an open sore on your foot for the virus to enter your bloodstream.
If a person living in your house has a plantar wart, be careful to stay out of the shower and bathroom without shoes if you have an open sore.
Palmer Warts Palmer warts are also caused by the HPV virus.
The only difference between these warts and plantar warts is the fact that they only appear on your hands rather than your feet.
Like plantar warts, they are noncancerous and your immune system will fight them and send them away on their own.
They are not particularly painful.
Most people don't even experience any discomfort at the hands of either palmer or plantar warts.
Flat Warts These are warts that typically grow on your face or neck, sometimes your arms and legs.
They are most often transferred by using something an infected person used, such as a razor or towel.
Much like plantar and palmer warts, however, you must have open skin that allows the virus to spread from the blade of a razor or the threads of a towel.
Filiform Warts These warts are also very common wart types.
These grow most often around your mouth and nose, spread to you by sharing the same product as a person already infected.
They appear the same color of your skin, but appear to have threads growing out of them.
They are unsightly and often devastating for a person to notice, since they appear in such a noticeable location.
Periungual Warts These warts are particularly gross and not something you want to suffer from because they grow under and around your nails on both your feet and hands.
They can affect the growth of your fingernails.
They are spread to your fingers most likely through nail biting.
If you have a wart around your mouth and your bite your nails, the HPV virus can enter the bitten area of the nail or cuticle and cause an infection to spread.
This will cause the growth of these warts.
Genital Warts These are probably the worst kind of warts to exist because they are known as an STD, or sexually transmitted disease.
These warts are pretty self explanatory and can have a major impact on your intimate and private life.
As you might well assume, they are most commonly spread through human to human contact, particularly in the form of intimate relations.
Some people, however, can have an infection and never experience a wart, which means that they might not be aware of their ability to spread this virus to others.
Common Warts Common warts are not easy to avoid if you have open sores anywhere on your body.
Unfortunately, the viruses that cause them live in a number of places that are commonly used.
Additionally, many of these viruses are easily spread from person to person from casual contact.
While there is nothing you can really do to prevent these warts once you come into contact with the virus, you can work to prevent coming into contact with the virus in the first place.
For example, with common warts, you can easily prevent being infected with the virus by always using your own items.
This includes towels, razors, and other commonly shared bathroom items, even your own makeup.
For STD type warts, you should always use protection while intimate and you should absolutely be tested regularly; and require the same for your partner.
These warts are not easy to avoid when you are presented with them, but they are avoidable if you know how to protect yourself.
The good news about the common warts listed in this article is that they are not really much to worry about, except of course, genital warts.
For the most part, the rest of the common warts listed here will go away on their own with little or no treatment needed.
Your immune system is designed to help fight the virus that causes them, meaning that once they are gone, you really need to be re-infected to see the warts appear on your body again.
Protecting yourself to prevent these warts is a great idea at all times.