What are the Success Rates of Drug & Alcohol Inpatient Treatment Facilities?
- According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 24 percent of all patients seeking treatment in inpatient facilities ultimately drop out of the program without completion.
- An additional 24 percent of patients involved in inpatient treatment are forced out of the program due to legal issues. Incarceration and termination of treatment.
- As of 2005, the National Institute of Health determined that 44 percent of all inpatient treatment patients successfully completed the facilities' programs. But this figure does not reflect the long-term success rates of the facilities.
- The National Institute on Drug Abuse says nearly half of all patients that receive inpatient treatment at a facility relapse. This is believed to be caused by a lack of follow-up in the system.
- A 2008 article from the New York Times addressed additional programs within the confines of inpatient therapy facilities that have beneficial results. These include psychotherapy techniques and cognitive behavior therapy.