How To Attract Girls - In 3 Wonderful Steps
Who says what is attractive in a guy? What you might think is attractive to every one might be disgusting in the eyes of girls. Others like them tall and dark, while others like them brown skinned and big muscled. The latter gained popularity because somebody talked about it. You bought in to the idea that they are more attractive because somebody else said about it. It may be in the newspapers, movies, magazines or any other public media source. Human beings like to have what is already tested. This eliminates the risk of being the first one to be hurt. It feels good to have what is conventionally considered attractive. To attract girls you have to be proved wonderful by the society. All these is referred to as the value of social proof.
If a girl thinks that her friends do not find you attractive, she won't even risk being seen around with you. If on the other hand the group finds you breath taking, you will attract girls to non imaginable levels. You will be spoilt for choice. To attract girls the way you want, you have to be able to address a big group of people. Shyness should be put at bay. Challenges are part of the exercise but overcome any embarrassment thrown your way. Deal with any question wisely and appear confident. Remember two groups are watching you and you have to appear attractive. Prove your worth.
To attract girls you have to tame your words. Do not talk negatively about your ex-girlfriend. It shows that you fall in love with the wrong type of girls. It puts you down. If you talk of how great she has been she will want to keep the standards. It will make you appear so attractive and classic. Whatever you do, do not lower your standard let her believe you are the best. Put humor in your words and tease her a lot. You might be dying to tell her all the sweet nothings but wait for the right time. Attract girls by keeping them guessing.
To attract girls best you have to be rare and wanted. What makes gold and diamond so expensive and valuable? It is not the fact that they are so beautiful. Their value comes in because they are so much sought after since their is nothing else like them. Their scarcity makes them sell. Do not be the most available guy who appears at her door step at the first beep. Style up, cook up some excuses though it might be against your will. She will certainly out grow your presence and your so obvious behavior. To attract girls, you need to be unpredictable, funny and rare. The common nice, composed gentleman will have no game in attracting girls. The other man will take the day home with much power to attract girls. They are both men but one is rare to find because of his unpredictable behavior. He is somewhere working out his plan to attract girls while the other one is suffocating the girls with his presence. Coal and diamond are both made of carbon but one has so much value it is unbelievable.
If a girl thinks that her friends do not find you attractive, she won't even risk being seen around with you. If on the other hand the group finds you breath taking, you will attract girls to non imaginable levels. You will be spoilt for choice. To attract girls the way you want, you have to be able to address a big group of people. Shyness should be put at bay. Challenges are part of the exercise but overcome any embarrassment thrown your way. Deal with any question wisely and appear confident. Remember two groups are watching you and you have to appear attractive. Prove your worth.
To attract girls you have to tame your words. Do not talk negatively about your ex-girlfriend. It shows that you fall in love with the wrong type of girls. It puts you down. If you talk of how great she has been she will want to keep the standards. It will make you appear so attractive and classic. Whatever you do, do not lower your standard let her believe you are the best. Put humor in your words and tease her a lot. You might be dying to tell her all the sweet nothings but wait for the right time. Attract girls by keeping them guessing.
To attract girls best you have to be rare and wanted. What makes gold and diamond so expensive and valuable? It is not the fact that they are so beautiful. Their value comes in because they are so much sought after since their is nothing else like them. Their scarcity makes them sell. Do not be the most available guy who appears at her door step at the first beep. Style up, cook up some excuses though it might be against your will. She will certainly out grow your presence and your so obvious behavior. To attract girls, you need to be unpredictable, funny and rare. The common nice, composed gentleman will have no game in attracting girls. The other man will take the day home with much power to attract girls. They are both men but one is rare to find because of his unpredictable behavior. He is somewhere working out his plan to attract girls while the other one is suffocating the girls with his presence. Coal and diamond are both made of carbon but one has so much value it is unbelievable.